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In history there is not a single example we can find where people had so many opportunities to start a small business. When there are still people choosing brick-and-mortar businesses and they still have their place. In the meantime the internet has opened the floodgates for new online business opportunities. A huge percentage of small business ideas being executed today are based entirely online. A few areas ripe with online entrepreneurial potential:

Blogging and Digital Publishing

The ancient art of blogging is still going strong and has evolved into a lucrative career path for many. Popular blog categories range from food and parenting to travel, personal finance, technology and beyond.

Blogging has so many ways to monetize and people are making millions with any one of these methods they choose to monetize with.  You will find that many successful bloggers typically monetize through advertising. Many of them take on affiliate marketing, sponsorships, online courses, ebooks and more. With perseverance and a strategic content strategy, bloggers can build a location-independent business while pursuing their writing passions.

Ecommerce Startups

While I covered ecommerce businesses briefly under product-based ideas, this category deserves a spotlight of its own. The barriers to entry for launching an ecommerce startup are lower than ever thanks to easy marketplace platforms and seamless payment processing.

Popular ecommerce businesses sell everything from apparel and home goods to electronics, hobby items, subscription boxes and more. Dropshipping applications have further fueled a new class of ultra-lean ecommerce entrepreneurs who never even handle physical inventory.

Software, Apps and Digital Products

For the technically skilled, the digital product space is booming. Software startups, app development, SaaS (software as a service), plugins, themes, templates, graphics, courses and other purely digital goods are all fair game.

Tools for rapidly prototyping and validating new apps have made it easier than ever to get a digital product business off the ground. Successful apps, software platforms and online tools can scale quickly to serve customers worldwide.

Online Services and Remote Work

The remote workforce has given rise to countless independent service providers hanging their virtual shingles online. Services like web design, digital marketing, SEO consulting, social media management, bookkeeping and more are being delivered by self-employed experts.

Similarly, freelance platforms have enabled professionals of all stripes to market their skills online for project work and contract gigs across industries. From programming and data analysis to creative services like voiceovers or video editing, almost any service can now be sold online.

The online business movement proves no small idea is too small in today’s digital marketplace. With low startup costs, global consumer reach and complete mobility, internet-based businesses offer incredible lifestyle and income potential.


In conclusion, I would like to say that you might have millions of opportunities waiting for you. Only thing stopping you is you not having the skillset to run your own business. Starting your own personal blog which can earn you money while you sleep could the best of the best small business ideas. By combining your skills and passions with an online business model perfectly suits you, you can take on anything in this world. Get ready to join the ranks of digital business owners calling the internet their office.

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