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Prepare Your AC Unit for the Summer

With summer just around the corner, you’ll want to prepare your AC unit so that it can maintain a comfortable temperature for your home. Don’t wait until the first heatwave to check on your air conditioner, checking it ahead of time and preparing ensures that everything is ready to go when you need it. By doing it early, there will be time if any repairs or replacements need to be done, that way you won’t have to go a few days in the summer heat without air conditioning. There are a few things you’ll want to do so that your air conditioning system runs smoothly and efficiently during the summer months.

Ways to Prepare Your AC Unit for Summer

Before you start your AC unit, remember to remove the cover if you use one. Leaving the cover on your air conditioner while it runs could cause damage to the unit. Some of the best ways to prepare for summer are putting in a new air filter, cleaning the inside AC unit, cleaning the outside AC unit, and programming the thermostat. Another great way to make sure your air conditioning unit is ready to go for summer is to have it serviced by a professional HVAC company. Let’s go over the few preparations you can do to ensure your unit is running smoothly and efficiently.

Put in a New Air Filter

An air filter traps unwanted airborne pollutants so they don’t circulate throughout your home’s air, making it necessary to change regularly. The air filter in your AC unit can become clogged over time, making your system work inefficiently. Replacing the air filter regularly will improve your home’s air quality and help your air conditioning system run properly. Before changing your air filter, take it out and hold it up to the light. If you can see through it, the air filter can be placed back in the unit; if you can’t see through it, you’ll want to change it immediately. Before changing the air filter, make sure you get the correct size to replace the existing one. Disposable air filters will typically come with a cardboard frame, while reusable filters that you can clean typically come with a plastic frame. Both will indicate the size of the filter on the side. Place the filter correctly in your AC unit, most air filters have arrows directing which way to put them into the unit. Air filter replacement is important because it can help your AC unit run efficiently, improve your indoor air quality, and reduce energy bills.


Clean Your Inside AC Unit

To ensure that your air conditioner is running optimally, you’ll want to make sure it’s clean. Start by cleaning the inside unit of your home. Turn the circuit breaker connected to the AC unit off to avoid danger. Remove the access panel from the AC unit and clean off the evaporator coils. Over time, debris and particles can build up; clean this off with a specialty foam designed to clean the coils. Next, clean the drain pan and drain pipe, as they both can get clogged up with hard water and debris. Use a bleach and water solution to clean these parts thoroughly. Keeping your AC unit clean will ensure you don’t experience a water backup due to a clogged drain or pipe. 

Clean Your Outside AC Unit

Once you’ve cleaned the inside unit, move on to your outdoor AC unit. Start by removing the AC grille, and use a hose to wash off any debris on the compressor unit. Next, clean the condenser coil using a specialty cleanser to remove debris from outdoor element build-up. Cleaning out the outdoor AC unit will keep it running smoothly all summer. Once you’ve cleaned the compressor, move on to the surrounding area. Clean out any leaves, sticks, or other debris from the area. If you have trees or bushes near the unit, make certain they are trimmed back so they don’t interfere with your unit. It is best to leave a two-foot radius around the compressor open, ensuring air can easily flow through the unit.

Program Your Thermostat

Now, it is time to program your thermostat based on your schedule and climate. Talk to your HVAC technician to determine the most efficient temperature. Generally, your cooling system should be set to a comfortable temperature for you and your family. The temperature you set will depend on the time of the day and the temperature outside of your home. It is also important to consider saving energy and money when setting your thermostat. For example, by setting your thermostat to a higher temperature while you aren’t at home could save you money on your energy bill. 


Rely on an HVAC Company for Best Results

In conclusion, the best ways to prepare your AC unit for summer are to replace the air filter, clean the inside unit, clean the outside unit, and program the thermostat. These preparations are an important step in keeping your AC unit running efficiently, saving money on your energy bill, and improving the air quality in your home. You can clean your air conditioning system yourself, but it may be best to set up an HVAC system service appointment before summer comes around. 

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