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Are you planning on getting breast implants to treat sagging?  Sagging is normal with age. However, this is a matter that women often grumble about. Luckily, breast augmentation surgery can help restore breast fullness. So read further to know whether breast implants are the best approach to the correction of saggy breasts and, in this regard, how Dr. Abizer Kapadia can help you realise your aesthetic aspiration.

Understanding Sagging Breasts

Sagging of the breasts can occur for many reasons, such as ageing, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight changes, and even genetics. The ligaments and skin that enclose the breast gradually slacken and lose their position and support, resulting in a less tight look and drooping. Breast sagginess can diminish your self-esteem and confidence. However, getting breast implants is a great solution. Let’s take a look at the role of breast implants regarding saggy breasts.

The Role of Breast Implants

Breast implants are popular for putting breasts in position and increasing breast size. The sagging breasts can be improved via breast implants, which will restore the volume and shape of your breasts, resulting in a youthful and complete appearance. The implant simply gives the breast added volume and fullness, improves the silhouette both vertically and horizontally, making people look at you, and at the same time boosts contemplation and self-image.

Besides their effects on breast volume and the general aesthetic appeal of a sagging breast, breast implants are sometimes also used to induce symmetry and proportion in your breasts. As Dr. Abizer Kapadia knows, reaching the desired level of proportionality and natural appearance is key to the procedure, and breast implants do it perfectly by concentrating on the areas that need the most enhancement.

Given Dr. Kapadia’s proficiency and his patient-managed conduct, your confidence and life will certainly improve after receiving the breast augmentation procedure.

Choose to do a Breast lift or Not .

A major factor to make the decision of doing a Breast implant alone for sagging breast or to do a Surgical Breast lift with an implant depends on the amount of sagging and the skin quality. A Breast implant alone , is an option only in women with minimal sagging and young patients with good skin quality. A good skin quality will ensure that the skin maintains its elasticity and will hold the changed breast shape and implant for a long period of time. Patients having loose and moderate or severe sagging of breast , will no longer benefit from breast implant alone and will need a Breast Lift procedure to elevate the breast and improve its shape concurrently. If you have sagging breast and significant stretch marks, then a breast lift procedure would be much more appropriate for giving a more successful result. Patients who have had significant or massive weight loss and have loose and sagging skin of the breast , are also candidates for a Breast lifting procedure. A Breast lifting procedure entails a larger scar . It removes all the loose and redundant sagging skin and makes adjustments to the breast tissue . It ensures the breast and nipple are lifted and gives the breast a more round and youthful appearance.

Choosing the Right Implant Size

When considering implanting breasts for saggy breasts, it is of utmost importance to choose the breast implant size correctly. The doctor is aware that successful enhancement of breast implant size is a critical factor in getting results that would exactly fit your body proportions. When you have your consultation with Dr. Kapadia, you will speak about your aesthetic goals and desires. Additionally, you will talk about your chest width and body type, as well as the optimal projection level you would like to achieve. Dr. Kapadia will personalise his recommendations to your specific attributes so that your final choice for the breast implant size will bring about the results you desire.Remember choosing a larger size of implant is not always the best choice. A larger implant also comes with larger weight on the chest and breast which may in turn accelerate the sagging and have a poor outcome in the future.A detailed consultation with Dr Abizer Kapadia , will ensure that a  correctly sized implant is chosen based on your body type and preference , for the most successful outcome.

Personalised Results: Dr.Kapadia acknowledges that in every patient there is a unique person with different achievements and tastes. Thus, he provides custom recommendations so that you pick the breast size that best represents your beauty ideal.

Comfort and Confidence: Selecting the proper implant size not only provides you with a huge change in the look of your body but also gives you an internal boost by increasing your self-esteem and confidence level. When your breasts really look and feel like a part of your body and you are not just carrying two lumps, it will be a great boost to your psychological state.

Long-Term Satisfaction: One of the most crucial and imperative steps to be taken before the surgery is to invest time and energy into choosing the perfect size for your breast implant, as well as to ensure everlasting satisfaction with the results. Doctor Kapadia, with his knowledge and precise, personalised approach, will suggest a correct procedure of breast lifting and implants or breast implants  surgery that will leave you with a great deal of joy and an enhanced figure.

Benefits of Breast Implants for Sagging Breasts

There are several benefits to getting breast implants if you have sagging breasts:

Restored Volume: Implants are mainly used to restore fullness, which results in a more youthful and fuller appearance.

Improved Shape: By getting breast implants, you can achieve enhanced shape and symmetry, and thus a contouring look.

Enhanced Confidence: You may feel self-conscious about your breasts sagging. The breast implant will boost your self-esteem by fixing breast sagginess and making you more confident about your looks.

Customised Results: If you care about your body image, Dr. Kapadia’s breast enhancement surgery will help you attain perfect customised results that suit your preferences.

Considerations Before Getting Breast Implants

While breast implants can offer significant benefits for sagging breasts, it’s essential to consider the following factors before undergoing surgery:

Realistic Expectations: Breast implants may help sagging breasts look more lifted, yet a very droopy effect might remain difficult to treat in some cases. Dr. Kapadia will review your case and suggest if you should undergo breast implants or not. A Breast lift surgery may be more recommended in some patients.

Possible Risks: There is definitely a chance that short- or long-term risks may develop, such as an infection, a rupture of the implant, or a change in the sensitivity of the nipple. But before you decide, Dr. Kapadia will ensure that you are well-informed and aware of all the risks.

Maintenance and Long-Term Care: Breast implants are not permanent, may show changes, and need to be maintained or replaced over time. The implant care and procedure will be explained comprehensively, and the checkup appointments for monitoring the results will be scheduled by Dr. Kapadia.


If your life is affected by sagging breasts and you are looking for natural-looking results, Dr. Kapadia can help you with Breast Cosmetic Surgery. By focusing on your specific preferences and purpose, he will design a treatment plan with you that takes into account your characteristics and encourages self-confidence. Schedule a consultation today!

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