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Bolivian contemporary music, exemplified by artists such as Los Kjarkas, Wara and Octavia, blends traditional Andean sounds with modern genres, creating a unique fusion. This distinctive approach combines indigenous instruments with global rhythms, preserving Bolivia’s cultural heritage while exploring new musical landscapes, making it a vibrant part of the global music scene.

In the heart of La Paz, Valeria Peñaranda presented “Especial a Stevie Wonder por Amalgama” at Alive Music Bar, a venue synonymous with Bolivia’s cutting-edge music scene. This concert wasn’t just paying tribute to Stevie Wonder; it showcased Peñaranda and her band Amalgama’s musical prowess. Her innovative arrangements of Wonder’s timeless classics, infused with elements of electronic subgenres and orchestral elements, demonstrated her ability to blend genres and create a unique sound.

Entering the Bolivian music scene in 2012, Valeria quickly amassed a loyal following by blending pop with soul and R&B influences. Inspired by musical icons such as Stevie Wonder, her productions feature orchestral integration, and her passion for creating music is fueled by the adrenaline of playing live, whether in an intimate club or a grand festival setting.

Valeria Peñaranda’s work as a vocalist, songwriter, and producer has ultimately garnered recognition from the music industry, venues, and media, positioning her as a sought-after musician in Bolivia’s pop and soul scenes. Her collaborations with other top artists and her prestigious performances at festivals like Latin America Vive Music Festival, Festiblues Bolivia, and La Paz Festijazz underscore her influence and contribution to the Bolivian music landscape.

The audience was enraptured, swaying to the infectious beats and singing along to the classics such as “Isn’t she lovely”, “Overjoyed”, “Superstition” and more, transformed by Amalgama’s unique interpretation. The band’s tight-knit synergy was evident, with each member adding their own flair to the music, creating a harmonious blend of sounds.

Valeria’s ability to reimagine Stevie Wonder’s music speaks to her creativity and artistry, showcasing her talent as a musical arranger. Her arrangements infuse Wonder’s timeless classics with new life, offering listeners a fresh perspective on familiar tunes. This innovative approach to music-making is a testament to Valeria Peñaranda’s skill and vision as a musician.

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