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Did you know that the global dental inlays and onlays market size is expected to reach $5.8 billion by 2028? That’s because more people choose these dental procedures over traditional fillings.

Inlays and onlays are custom-made to restore the structure and functionality of your teeth. They are usually made from porcelain or composite resin. They’re bonded to the damaged area of your tooth.

But why choose onlays and inlays over traditional fillings? Let’s explore some of the benefits.

Better Aesthetics

Onlays and inlays are designed to match the color and shape of your natural teeth. This makes them virtually undetectable.

They offer a more natural-looking solution compared to traditional silver or amalgam fillings. This is beneficial for those who want to maintain a beautiful and natural smile.

Stronger and Longer Lasting

Onlays and inlays are more durable than traditional fillings. They can withstand larger chewing forces and last longer. This makes them a cost-effective option in the long run.

They also require less tooth removal compared to traditional fillings. This preserves more of your natural tooth structure.

They can also provide better support and protection to the damaged area. This helps prevent further damage or decay.

Better Fit and Sealing

Inlays and onlays are custom-made to fit the exact shape and size of your tooth. This allows for a better fit compared to traditional fillings.

The precise fit also ensures a better seal. This prevents bacteria from entering and causing further damage. It also helps keep your tooth structure strong and healthy.

Easy Maintenance

Maintaining onlays and inlays is similar to taking care of your natural teeth. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are all that’s needed. This is to keep them clean and in good condition.

Unlike traditional fillings needing replacement every 5-10 years, onlays and inlays can last up to 30 years with proper care. This means less frequent visits to the dentist for repairs or replacements.


Inlays and onlays can be used to treat a variety of dental issues, from mild to severe. This includes decayed, cracked, or broken teeth. They can also be used as a cosmetic option to improve the appearance of your smile.

They are also suitable for both front and back teeth. This makes them a versatile solution for many patients.

Reduced Sensitivity

One common issue with traditional fillings is the increased sensitivity. This is due to the metal materials used.

Onlays and inlays, on the other hand, are made from porcelain or composite resin. This can help reduce sensitivity. This makes them a more comfortable option for those with sensitive teeth.

It is best to consult a general and cosmetic dentist to help you determine if they are the best option for your dental needs. They can assess your teeth and recommend the most suitable treatment.

Inlays and Onlays: Elevate Your Smile

The decision to choose inlays and onlays over traditional fillings is more than a clinical one. It’s a choice that encompasses health, practicality, and aesthetics.

By considering the benefits outlined in this detailed post, patients can approach their dental treatments with confidence and clarity. Consult with your dentist to see if they are the right choice for you.

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