Sign Messaging
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In the competitive world of dining, restaurants are continually seeking innovative ways to attract more customers and increase sales. 

One proven method that combines traditional marketing with a personal touch is the use of pavement signs. 

With the right messaging, these signs can turn a passerby into a patron. Let’s dive into how strategic pavement sign messaging can be a game-changer for your restaurant.

Power of Pavement Signs

Dive into the dynamic world of pavement signs by BHMA, where traditional advertising meets the modern marketplace, creating a powerful first impression for restaurants. 

These signs blend visibility and charm, offering a unique touch that stands out in a digital-dominated era. Discover their role in attracting potential customers and enhancing brand presence.

The First Impression

Pavement signs serve as the first point of contact between a restaurant and potential customers.

Positioned strategically, they capture the attention of pedestrians and can make a lasting first impression.

Beyond Traditional Advertising

While digital marketing has its place, pavement signs offer a tangible presence that digital platforms cannot. They add a personal, inviting touch that complements online strategies.

Crafting Compelling Messages

Unveil the art of crafting compelling messages for pavement signs, turning everyday promotions into engaging stories that captivate passersby. 

From spotlighting daily specials with a twist to personalizing messages with humor and warmth, learn how to create a magnetic pull towards your restaurant. Dive into strategies that transform ordinary offers into irresistible invitations.

Highlighting the Specials

The daily special is not just a menu item; it’s a storytelling opportunity. Use your pavement sign to highlight unique ingredients, the chef’s inspiration, or a cultural backstory to engage and intrigue potential customers.

Limited-Time Offers

Creating a sense of urgency through limited-time offers can motivate customers to act. Use your pavement sign to promote these specials, making sure the offer is clear and compelling.

Personal Touch

Incorporate humor, local references, or personal messages from the staff to create a connection with the community. A sign that makes someone smile is more likely to be remembered and acted upon.

Design Matters

Discover the critical role of design in maximizing the impact of pavement signs for your restaurant. 

Learn how clarity, visual appeal, and dynamic content can transform a simple sign into a powerful tool for attraction. 

Embrace the principles that make your message not just seen, but remembered and acted upon.

Clarity is Key

While creativity is important, the message must be easy to read and understand at a glance. Use large, bold fonts and high-contrast colors to ensure your sign stands out.

Visual Appeal

Incorporate your restaurant’s branding into the design of your pavement sign. Consistent use of colors, fonts, and logos helps reinforce brand recognition.

Change it Up

Regularly updating your pavement sign keeps the content fresh and gives repeat passersby a reason to take a second look. Consider changing your sign with new specials, events, or seasonal messages.


Unlock the strategic potential of location in leveraging your pavement sign’s effectiveness. This section guides you through choosing spots for maximum exposure while respecting community space and legal boundaries.

Learn how the right location can dramatically increase visibility and attract more customers to your restaurant.

Maximum Exposure

Place your pavement sign where it will have the most visibility. Consider foot traffic patterns and sight lines from various approaches to ensure your sign can’t be missed.

Respect the Space

Ensure your sign does not obstruct pedestrian traffic or violate local ordinances. Keeping the walkway clear maintains goodwill with the community and authorities alike.

Leveraging Social Media

Bridge the gap between the tangible allure of pavement signs and the expansive reach of digital platforms. 

Discover how to turn a simple sidewalk encounter into a viral social media sensation, enhancing engagement and visibility.

From Sidewalk to Screen

Encourage customers to share your sign’s message on social media. Whether it’s a clever quip or an irresistible special, a photo shared online can amplify your reach far beyond the sidewalk.

Engage Online

Respond to and engage with customers who post about your sign online. This not only builds community but also encourages others to visit and share their experiences.

Measuring Success

Unlock the secrets to quantifying the impact of your pavement signs, blending sales metrics, customer insights, and social media trends. Learn how to gauge success and refine your strategy for maximum engagement and ROI.

Sales and Foot Traffic

Track the days and times your pavement sign is displayed and correlate this with sales data. An uptick in business during these periods can indicate the sign’s impact.

Customer Feedback

Ask customers if the pavement sign influenced their decision to visit. Direct feedback is invaluable for understanding what works and what doesn’t.

Social Media Buzz

Monitor mentions and shares related to your sign on social media. Increased online activity can be a good indicator of your sign’s effectiveness in engaging customers.

Overcoming Challenges

Navigate the hurdles of maintaining an impactful pavement sign with strategies to withstand weather, deter vandalism, and keep content captivating. Discover how resilience and creativity ensure your sign’s enduring appeal and effectiveness.

Weather Woes

Invest in durable, weather-resistant materials to ensure your sign withstands the elements. A sign that looks good rain or shine makes a positive statement about your brand.

Vandalism and Theft

Secure your sign to prevent it from being moved or damaged. Consider bringing it inside during off-hours to protect your investment.

Staying Fresh

Regularly brainstorm with your team for new ideas and messages. Keeping content fresh and engaging is key to maintaining interest over time.


Pavement signs are more than just markers indicating where a restaurant is located; they are powerful tools for storytelling, branding, and driving sales. 

By crafting compelling messages, paying attention to design, and strategically placing your sign, you can transform passersby into patrons. 

Remember, the goal is not just to inform but to entice and engage. A well-thought-out pavement sign can do just that, making it an essential component of your restaurant’s marketing strategy.

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