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Top 5 Tips To Remove Oil Stains From Your Upholstery


Dealing with oil stains on your cherished upholstery can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it’s entirely manageable. Whether it’s a drop from a pizza slice during a cosy movie night or a splash from a salad at a family dinner, these accidents are part of everyday life. But there’s no need to let these small mishaps ruin your favourite furniture. With some quick thinking and effective strategies, those dreaded stains can become a thing of the past.


Moreover, understanding the nuances of fabric care is crucial in preserving the beauty and longevity of your upholstery. Different materials react differently to cleaning agents and techniques, so having a tailored approach for each type of stain and fabric is key. In this guide, we’re not just addressing the immediate concern of removing stains; we’re also focusing on doing so in a way that respects and preserves the integrity of your upholstery. This means considering the fabric type, colourfastness, and the appropriate upholstery cleaning Melbourne solutions that won’t damage your furniture. By arming yourself with this knowledge and these tips, you’re not only tackling the problem at hand but also investing in the prolonged beauty and durability of your upholstery. Let’s dive into these top 5 tips in more detail, ensuring your upholstery not only stays clean but also maintains its welcoming appeal and comfort for years to come. 


  1. Act Fast – Time is of the Essence!


The first few minutes after an oil spill are crucial. As soon as you notice the stain, grab a clean, absorbent cloth or paper towel. Gently dab at the stain, being careful not to spread it further. This immediate action can prevent the oil from seeping deeper into the upholstery fibres, setting the stage for a more effective cleaning process. Remember, patience and gentle blotting are your best friends here.


  1. Cornstarch – Your Secret Weapon


Cornstarch works by absorbing the oil, and lifting it away from the fabric fibres. After letting it sit, you’ll notice the powder turning a darker colour as it soaks up the oil. This DIY upholstery cleaning Frankston method is particularly effective on fresh stains and can be a real game-changer. For an added boost, you can also try gently brushing the cornstarch into the stain before vacuuming, ensuring even better absorption.


  1. Dish Soap – The Gentle Giant


Your everyday dish soap is designed to cut through grease on dishes, and it works just as well on fabrics. When applying the soap solution, it’s important to be gentle and patient. Let the soap do the work. After applying the solution, let it sit for a few minutes to break down the oil before dabbing it away. For tougher stains, repeating this process a few times can yield better results.


  1. Avoid Heat – It’s Not Your Friend Here

Heat can cause the oil to bond with the fabric fibres, which is why it’s crucial to avoid any hot treatments. This includes hot water, hairdryers, or any form of direct heat. Stick to cool or lukewarm solutions and let the fabric air dry naturally. If you’re in a hurry, a fan can help speed up the drying process without risking setting the stain.


  1. When in Doubt, Call the Pros


Acknowledging that some stains are beyond our DIY capabilities is a practical approach to upholstery care. Professional upholstery cleaning Melbourne services offer much more than just cleaning expertise; they come equipped with specialised tools and high-grade cleaning solutions specifically tailored for different types of upholstery fabrics. These experts have the training and experience to assess various stains, understand the unique needs of different fabric types, and determine the most effective course of action. This ensures that your upholstery is not only cleaned but also treated with the utmost care, preserving its texture, colour, and overall integrity. Furthermore, professional cleaners can often address underlying issues like odours or deep-seated dirt that DIY methods may not fully remove. Their services also extend the life of your upholstery, maintaining its appearance and comfort. With their help, you can rest assured that your furniture will receive the highest standard of care, restoring its beauty and extending its lifespan.




Oil stains don’t have to spell disaster for your upholstery. With quick action, the right materials, and a gentle touch, you can tackle them effectively. And if the stain proves too challenging, remember that upholstery cleaning Frankston services are just a call away. With these tips, your upholstery will continue to be a centrepiece in your home, free from the clutches of unsightly oil stains.


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