toilet grab bars in Philadelphia
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As you begin to age, your bones may not feel as strong as they once did. This can make things like getting up from a toilet (or sitting down) quite challenging and sometimes even painful. Installing toilet grab bars in the bathroom can help improve the safety and independence of the elderly in the home.

Additionally, it’s important to consider that these grab bars are not just appropriate for the aged, but also people with mobility problems. They can offer the stability that is needed to navigate the bathroom.

If you or a family member has mobility issues due to health reasons or age, then it is time to seriously consider getting toilet grab bars in your bathroom. Finding toilet grab bars in Philadelphia is not hard, but first, you need to know how they can help you!

Why should you get toilet grab bars?

Toilet grab bars offer a range of benefits for the people who need them the most. Some of these benefits are:

  1. More safety: For starters, the most important benefit that toilet grab bars offer to those with mobility issues is that it enhances the safety of the person. Getting off the toilet when doing so is challenging, can be dangerous – the person can slip and fall and this can lead to a range of other health problems. Having a sturdy bar to hold on to can help prevent slips and falls.
  2. More stability: There is a certain amount of strength that is required when you’re getting up from a sitting position. When your body lacks that strength, it is these grab bars that come in handy. You can hold the bar and house yourself up.
  3. More confidence: When people require help to do the things that they were once able to do with ease, it can really take a toll on your confidence. Many elders (and people with mobility problems) end up having low self-esteem because they cannot go to the bathroom alone. For many, it can even be a source of shame (even though there is no reason to feel that way). When you install toilet grab bars in the bathroom, you give people back their independence, which goes a long way in ensuring that one does not lose their sense of confidence and self-esteem.
  4. More time alone: Many people do not like the idea of a caretaker living in their home, even if the role of caretaker is being fulfilled by a family member. However, in order to be able to live independently alone, one has to guarantee that all basic needs are taken care of. One of the ways you can do that is by getting toilet grab bars in the home of the senior citizen so that they can rest assured that they don’t need help. Such grab bars can also be installed in the shower area along with a chair so that they can bathe safely. This way, you won’t have to worry about mishaps in the bathroom.

Using simple solutions in your home or the home of a loved one can help improve one’s lifestyle significantly. Toilet grab bars go a long way in promoting independence, confidence, and safety, and these are some of the most important things when it comes to the lives of the people you love.

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