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Water hammer is a common plumbing issue that can cause significant damage to your system if left unchecked. This phenomenon occurs when a sudden change in water flow creates a shockwave, producing a loud banging noise. One effective solution to this problem is the installation of water hammer arrestors. In this article, we’ll explore what water hammer arrestors are, how they work, and why they’re essential for maintaining a healthy plumbing system. We’ll also highlight the importance of quality products like Water Hammer Arrestors – Binex.

What is Water Hammer?

Water hammer, also known as hydraulic shock, happens when a valve closes suddenly, causing a surge of pressure in the pipes. This pressure wave travels through the plumbing system, resulting in a loud noise and potential damage to pipes, fittings, and fixtures. Over time, repeated water hammer incidents can lead to leaks, burst pipes, and other costly repairs.

How Do Water Hammer Arrestors Work?

Water hammer arrestors are devices designed to absorb the shock wave created by sudden changes in water flow. They typically consist of a chamber filled with air or gas and a piston or diaphragm. When water flow is abruptly stopped, the arrestor’s chamber compresses, cushioning the impact and preventing the shock wave from traveling through the pipes. This not only eliminates the banging noise but also protects the plumbing system from damage.

Types of Water Hammer Arrestors

There are two main types of water hammer arrestors: piston-type and bladder-type.

  1. Piston-Type Arrestors: These devices use a piston that moves within a sealed chamber filled with air. When a pressure surge occurs, the piston compresses the air, absorbing the shock.
  2. Bladder-Type Arrestors: These use a flexible bladder or diaphragm within a chamber. The bladder compresses when a pressure wave hits, providing a cushion that absorbs the impact.

Both types are effective, but the choice depends on the specific needs of your plumbing system and personal preference.

Why Install Water Hammer Arrestors?

Installing water hammer arrestors provides several benefits:

  1. Protects Your Plumbing System: By absorbing shock waves, arrestors prevent damage to pipes, fittings, and appliances, extending the lifespan of your plumbing system.
  2. Reduces Noise: Eliminating the loud banging noise associated with water hammer makes for a quieter, more comfortable home environment.
  3. Prevents Leaks and Bursts: By reducing the stress on your plumbing system, arrestors help prevent leaks and bursts, saving you money on repairs and water damage.

Choosing the Right Water Hammer Arrestor

When selecting a water hammer arrestor, quality is key. Products like Water Hammer Arrestors – Binex offer reliable performance and durability. Binex arrestors are designed to meet the highest standards, ensuring effective protection for your plumbing system.

Considerations when choosing an arrestor include:

  • Size and Capacity: Ensure the arrestor is appropriate for the size of your plumbing system and the expected pressure surges.
  • Installation Location: Install arrestors near the source of the water hammer, such as close to valves or appliances that cause sudden changes in water flow.
  • Maintenance: Choose a low-maintenance model that is easy to inspect and service if needed.


Water hammer can cause significant damage to your plumbing system, but installing water hammer arrestors is a simple and effective solution. By absorbing shock waves and reducing pressure surges, these devices protect your pipes and fixtures, extend the lifespan of your plumbing system, and create a quieter home environment. For reliable performance, consider Water Hammer Arrestors – Binex, a trusted name in plumbing solutions.

By investing in quality water hammer arrestors, you can safeguard your home against the damaging effects of water hammer and enjoy peace of mind knowing your plumbing system is well-protected.

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