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In the last few months, companies have had to adapt and readjust the way they hold employee meetings or how they communicate with one another. Employees have been working remotely and have had to expand their knowledge of technology in order to utilize different apps or software to continue to do their work. Many have experimented with augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality. But when it comes to holding meetings and contacting clients, companies have realized virtual reality is the best option.

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality is an immersive experience in which the participant is surrounded by digital work in a digital world. It places the viewer virtually anywhere. Contrary to popular belief, VR is not just for entertainment; it is a software that can be used, in this case, to have meetings as well. According to Kinemagic, the company that developed the virtual reality software Stratus, “virtual reality meetings provide a greater sense of presence, which is a key component in facilitating collaborative work. This kind of teamwork is what thrives in office environments.”

In a recent The New York Times article, Kate Lister–the president of Global Workplace Analytics– explained “Any kind of flexibility is something that people are really, really ripe for, just some control over where and when they work.” That is exactly why virtual reality has been working so well. It allows people to have control over where and when they work. They can continue to work from home while still participating in meetings and being updated on company issues. Virtual reality offers the flexibility so many employees are looking for now. They want to be able to stay safe and protected while also doing their job and having an income; virtual reality is the perfect blend of those two needs workers have.

Why is Virtual Reality the Best Option for Remote Meetings?

This kind of technology has been pointed out as the best way to hold meetings. It is a software that allows participants to have a more authentic demonstration than by simply watching a video on a screen, listening to a recording, or reading a document. It also provides a sense of collaboration between colleagues even though they are working remotely. The reason behind virtual reality being so successful is human beings have the need to see, touch, feel, and interact with everything that surrounds them. The only way to replicate this kind of interaction is with virtual reality since it allows remote work to feel closer to real-life work.


Technology has been a great tool for employers and employees to remain connected. It has allowed businesses to continue succeeding and clients to see they are cared for. Virtual reality permits that collaboration between colleagues to keep business on track despite the distance which is very necessary nowadays. For this reason, multiple organizations have decided to create their own virtual reality meeting rooms to continue having discussions for the benefit of the business. We are right to say virtual reality has successfully entered the business world and we are right to think it most certainly is here to stay.

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