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Antibacterial drugs are designed to treat a number of diseases related to the spread of bacteria in the human body. Some of them are used systematically, while others are prescribed in case of acute development of diseases. One of the effective antibacterial drugs is Pentrexyl Ampicillin 500 mg. Let’s break down its properties, indications, contraindications, and recommendations for use.

Description and features of the drug Pentrexyl

Pentrexyl Ampicillina 500 mg refers to a group of antibacterial drugs that are used on a regular basis. The main active ingredient is ampicillin. It has an effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Ampicillina 500 mg tablets contain 500 mg of an active substance, which is an adult dosage. But it is determined individually, depending on the extent of the bacteria. The substance stops the growth and reproduction of bacteria by destroying the structure of the germ wall.

The main feature of this component is that it does not affect important penicillin-forming bacteria. But it also has no effect on various viral infections. Therefore, it is simply useless to use Pentrexyl to treat the flu or a cold, contrary to existing myths about antibiotics.

The active ingredient begins to act 2 hours after taking the medication. There is an opinion that antibiotics are harmful, but this drug is designed for regular use. The active ingredient does not accumulate in the human body and is eliminated through the work of the kidneys. At the same time, about 30% of the substance comes out in the unchanged form.

When is it recommended to use Pentrexyl?

The drug destroys the structure of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, therefore, it helps with diseases caused by these bacteria. Here’s what Ampicillin Pentrexyl is used for:

  • It helps treat lower respiratory tract diseases. In particular, it is used for bronchitis, pneumonia, or lung abscesses. But if you have bronchial asthma or bleeding from the lungs, you should take the drug with caution and strictly under your doctor’s supervision.
  • It helps restore the work of the ENT organs, and treats acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis, and sinusitis.
  • Eliminates bacteria in the urogenital system. Pentrexyl Ampillicin is used for pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, pyelitis, and several other diseases.
  • It affects the body for skin lesions. The drug is prescribed for sepsis, abscess, dermatosis, impetigo, and phlegmon. It can also be prescribed by the doctor for other soft tissue and skin diseases.
  • If taking antibiotics causes colitis, Pentrexyl pills help relieve symptoms and eliminate the GI problem.
  • Treats and relieves symptoms of joint and bone disease, particularly osteomyelitis and arthritis caused by bacterial activity.
  • Treats bacterial endocarditis, meningitis, and other diseases associated with Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria development.

Pentrexyl uses only after a doctor’s prescription. Although it is designed for regular use, you should periodically consult a doctor and adjust the course of administration.

What is the dosage of Pentrexyl 500 mg?

The dosage is an individual concept, the attending physician prescribes it. He studies the analyses of the patient and determines how much of the drug is needed to eliminate the disease. On average, the dosage is prescribed from 1 to 3 grams per day. The name Pentrexyl 500 indicates that one tablet contains 500 mg of the active substance. At a dosage of 1 gram, 2 tablets per day must be taken.

It is not enough to know what Pentrexyl is used for. It is important to take the remedy correctly so that it acts in the most effective way. The tablet should be swallowed with plenty of water. The remedy is taken at least 30 minutes before eating, better – an hour.

The course of treatment is prescribed individually, usually lasting from 7 to 14 days. The drug can be used in children from 4 years of age, but the dosage of Pentrexyl is strictly determined by the doctor.

Contraindications to use

Under certain diseases and conditions, the drug should not be used. If there is an allergic reaction or there is hypersensitivity to ampicillin. The remedy should not be used in the following conditions:

  • HIV;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, except those caused by taking antibiotics;
  • Leukemia;
  • renal insufficiency;
  • liver failure;
  • Infectious mononucleosis.

Also, the drug should not be given to children under 4 years of age, and use it during pregnancy and lactation. In other cases, it is used after a doctor’s prescription.

What happens in case of overdose? Side effects

Ampicillina (Mexico) refers to drugs that can cause side effects in overdose. The main symptoms that you have an overdose of the medicine are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and central nervous system dysfunction. In such a case, you should immediately flush your stomach and intestines. If you have had renal failure, hemodialysis is done.

Abdominal pain, gastritis, colitis, headache, seizures, limb tremors, and anxiety can occur if the drug is used improperly. Aggravation of diseases such as leukopenia, anemia, agranulocytosis, and nephropathy may occur. That is why it is necessary to observe the dosage and be sure to get a doctor’s consultation.

Conclusion about the drug Pentrexyl

Now you know what Pentrexil is when it is recommended to use it, and what are the contraindications and side effects. You can buy the drug in pharmacies. Penicillin from Mexico is a bargain. In Mexican pharmacies, the prices of this drug are much lower. For example, compare the price at the Medicinesmexico pharmacy and in your pharmacy, which you regularly visit. You will see that even with delivery, the drug is cheaper.

It is a drug that helps fight dangerous bacteria. If your doctor has prescribed you a medication, it is recommended that you always keep some stock in your medicine cabinet, in case your illness worsens. This way, you can take complete control of your body. Choose quality products and improve your health!

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