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Numbing cream can help make your tattoo session a more pleasant experience, but how can you select one that will provide optimal results?

Begin with clean skin. Apply a thick layer of numbing cream over the area where tattooing, lasering or piercing will occur and rub it in thoroughly before covering with plastic wrap; its heat activates the cream and prevents it from drying out prematurely.


Lidocaine is a skin anesthetic that blocks nerve pain receptors so your brain won’t receive “ouch” signals from your skin, making it an essential ingredient to look for when searching for quality numbing cream for tattoos.

Lidocaine-based creams tend to work best on dry areas of the body and tend to be thicker in consistency than gels, making them easier to apply before procedures without wearing off too quickly. Furthermore, their portability allows multiple applications prior to multiple procedures without wearing off quickly.

For sessions lasting several hours or covering large areas, choose a Tattoo numbing cream with an increased concentration of lidocaine to extend numbing effects for as long as possible. When this numbness starts to wear off, it can feel like a sudden shock when sensation returns suddenly; selecting one with high concentration may provide maximum relief from discomfort during these lengthy procedures.


Cholesterol plays an integral part in maintaining cell membrane fluidity over a broad temperature spectrum, acting through its polar head group to interact with nonpolar fatty acid chains of membrane phospholipids and sphingolipids, bulking them up, and blocking protons (positive hydrogen ions) and sodium ions from passing across.

Some numbing creams contain vasoconstrictor ingredients like epinephrine that act by constricting blood vessels to reduce bleeding and swelling, but this ingredient may cause an allergic reaction; to avoid this issue it is advisable to apply your numbing cream several hours before your tattoo appointment or have clients test a small patch of skin prior to their appointment.

Vitamin E

This unique combination of ingredients numbs skin for up to 4 hours of relief from pain caused by burns, cuts and abrasions. Application is quick and effortless!

Though not as potent as some other numbing creams, this formula still provides significant relief during a tattoo session. Furthermore, its vasoconstrictor helps minimize bleeding and swelling at the tattoo site, while hydrogenated lecithin helps stabilize and condition top layers of skin so ingredients such as lidocaine can better penetrate.

Ink Scribd is one of the top tattoo numbing creams for fast and effective results, boasting an effective formula featuring 5% lidocaine to numb the tattoo area while arnica and emu oil help speed the skin-healing process by reducing swelling and bruising faster.

Hydrogenated Lecithin

A Tattoo Numbing cream used before tattoos don’t just make the experience more comfortable for you; they enable artists to do their best work! Numbing creams work by blocking nerve endings in your skin to stop them sending pain signals directly to the brain.

Keep in mind that it typically takes approximately 30 minutes for numbing cream to take effect, although this may seem like an eternity while waiting in a tattoo chair! When planning for your appointment, ensure you apply and wash off any dirt or oils which could interfere with its effectiveness prior to applying the numbing cream as directed and washing the area may help ensure a successful experience!

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