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The solution is simple: An employee’s identity predicts his or her success in a given role.

Personality traits are qualities or designs of contemplations, sentiments, and behaviors that decide each person’s distinct identity. Evaluating potential employees’ personality qualities is an imperative portion of the enlisting process since it can uncover crucial data approximately how well a candidate will fit into the commerce culture and connect with their colleagues.

Personality qualities can anticipate how a candidate will deal with stress, perform beneath pressure, and approach problem tackling. For illustration, a candidate with a high conscientiousness score is more likely to be reliable and proficient at work, though a candidate with a high appropriateness score may be simple to work with and have awesome collaboration capacities.

Consolidating personality assessments into the business process can moreover result in more objective hiring choices and lower the likelihood of oblivious predisposition. Typically since personality tests regularly utilize standardized questions and scoring strategies that are unaffected by individual inclinations or impressions.

But what are psychometric tests? And why do employers like them?

The name Psychometric is derived from two Greek terms, psyche and metric, which literally translate to ‘the measurement of thought’. These exams evaluate a candidate’s skills, behavior, personality traits, and cognitive abilities.

Psychometric assessments are intended to assess an individual’s abilities in one or more areas. These categories may include numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, inductive reasoning, diagrammatic reasoning, deductive reasoning, logical reasoning, critical thinking, and others.

How many employers utilize personality tests when hiring?

It is believed that over 70% of businesses use some type of pre-employment screening, including personality tests, throughout the hiring process.  Employers can use personality tests to improve the reliability and validity of recruiting decisions, reduce turnover, and improve team dynamics, all of which help to establish a more cohesive and productive company.

Tips for Using Personality Tests When Hiring:

1. Choose a reliable and approved test.

Make sure you choose a validated personality test that is widely utilized in the industry. This ensures that the results are accurate and dependable.

2.Use the test as part of a full evaluation.

Personality tests should be used in conjunction with other techniques such as interviews, background checks, and skill evaluations to provide a holistic picture of the candidate.

3. Avoid labels.

Be aware of possible biases: Be conscious of any biases in the test and ensure that it does not discriminate against any specific set of candidates.

When might personality testing be in handy?


Various forms of psychometric tests can be used to improve multiple elements of employment. Candidates take these tests, which are then evaluated by hiring managers and HR teams for an unbiased decision. These serve to enhance:

i)Meet job role requirements.

Recruitment is costly and time-consuming, so when you finally find someone for the job, you want them to meet specific standards. This eventually puts a lot of strain on the recruiting staff, and taking personality tests helps them accurately assess individuals’ potential.

  1. ii) Increase HR efficiency.

Personality tests are frequently used to determine a candidate’s fit with the team and the firm. Hiring is rarely an exact science, and personality tests can help you avoid excessive turnover by determining whether a candidate corresponds with the company’s values.


Personality tests are still useful after the hiring process since they increase employee relationships, which improves their overall experience with the organization.

  1. i) Manage performance.

Personality assessments provide deeper insights into each employee’s information processing patterns and communication styles, which influence the performance management process.

  1. ii) Involve employees.

Personality assessments reveal employee preferences and behavioral assessment for jobs. They contribute to a better understanding of how to keep employees engaged and satisfied at work.

iii) Nurture talent

With personality testing, you may design personalized training programs that allow employees to meet their expected work threshold while also honing their talents.

Can personality testing produce successful employees in the workplace?

Yes, but there’s a catch. You know, personality tests are merely a tool, and their success is determined by how well they are utilized rather than solely on the evaluation. Mercer Mettl designs and develops tailor-made assessments based on a thorough examination of the client’s major requirements for a personality test, allowing them to significantly reduce hiring costs and time. Clients rely on our cutting-edge features to make informed decisions and achieve the highest possible return on investment.

There is a significant association between test scores and work performance. If an applicant performs well in a psychometric test, there is a good possibility that he or she will do well on the job. As an employer, this predictive nature makes Psychometric Assessments quite appealing.

Second, employers like objective and accurate examinations because they can be administered to a large number of people without bias or personal judgment.

Third, companies prefer to use fast-paced examinations so that they may make judgments based on the results and make their hiring process more efficient.

Types of Psychometric Test

The most common types of psychometric tests are ability tests and personality questionnaires. There are various types of ability tests, but the most prevalent are numerical reasoning and verbal reasoning.

SALT (Sales Litmus Test), which is based on the ‘Five Factor approach’, has emerged as a reliable approach for firms that hire sales personnel. SALT is used to grade candidates based on the major pre-identified human personality factors required for a sales position. SALT has greatly assisted recruiting firms in selecting the ideal person for the desired sales position.

COMPASS PD is based on the Big Five personality traits, which are primary domains or dimensions used to describe human personality. COMPASS PD may account for many personality qualities without overlap. Furthermore, this five-factor structure appears to exist across a wide range of people of diverse ages and cultures.

The LCI (Leadership Competency Index Test) evaluates an individual on six leadership dimensions developed via considerable research into models and analyses of desirable attributes required to successfully lead an organization and its people. The exam also measures an individual’s readiness to take on future leadership roles and assists firms in maximizing their leadership by identifying the right leaders and positioning them in positions where they can drive business and thrive. Reports for recruitment and development purposes are provided separately.

In brief, screening potential employees’ personality attributes can provide useful information about how well a candidate would fit into the business culture and perform in the role. This information can be utilized to make better informed recruiting decisions, resulting in a stronger and more cohesive workforce with the aid of Mercer | Mettl.

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