INSCMagazine: Get Social!

As a business owner, finding ways to improve your company should always be on your agenda. With all of the busyness that comes with daily operations, however, sometimes it can be challenging to discover new ways to improve, especially if you have recently had to overcome difficulties. For some inspirational guidance on how to move your business forward, consider these tips.

1. Connect With Customers in Multiple Ways

Look for multiple ways to connect with customers. For example, if you have a website that experiences a lot of traffic, regularly review your online business metrics to identify how your customers are accessing your content. Is it via a computer browser or a cell phone? If it is both, consider connecting with them using email as well as text communication.

2. Invest in Strong Cybersecurity

In today’s modern world, cyber-attacks happen to businesses regularly. When they do, company reputations, as well as customer data, can both be at-risk. For this reason, investing in strong cybersecurity is a smart business move that can improve your daily operations as well as your long-term outlook.

3. Use Social Media More Effectively

While it can be tempting to use social media as a way to sell your products and services, it tends to be better for marketing purposes. Keep in mind, sales and marketing are two different things and having a sales-only perspective can be significantly limiting. Instead, post interesting content that is useful or entertaining, and avoid promotional sales at least half of the time. 

4. Ask Questions
You will never know how to improve if you do not understand the perspectives of your employees and customers. For this reason, you should make a point to ask questions from employees as well as customers as often as possible. When people answer you, really try to listen by listening to understand rather than to reply. 

5.  Develop a Strategic Plan
Another way to improve your business is by developing a strategic plan or updating your existing one if you already have created one. With a strategic plan, you can identify specific areas for growth and improvement and outline ways to accomplish goals for each item. You can also identify who will do what for each task. 

6. Offer Flexible Scheduling
Happy employees can have a major influence on the success of a company. Another way to improve your business is by offering flexible scheduling to your crew. According to occupational research, businesses can significantly boost overall productivity by offering a better work-life balance.
7. Encourage Customer Reviews
Along the same lines of reasoning behind asking questions, it is also beneficial to encourage customer reviews from the people who purchase your products and services. Positive reviews can act as free advertising that encourages future customers, and negative reviews work well for learning and training purposes.
8. Consider Automation
Depending on the size and popularity of your business, it may also be beneficial to consider automation options. Although you may not want to completely replace your human employees with computers, balancing automation with your human workforce can reduce individual workloads while boosting productivity, too. 
9. Host and/or Attend Community Events
As an entrepreneur, you have the potential to help build your community in numerous ways. For this reason, hosting and/or attending community events can be another way to not only improve your business by getting to know people, but it can also give you a greater connection and understanding of the local area that surrounds your business.
10. Reward Loyalty
Do you have some customers who keep coming back, again and again? If so, thank them! There are many fun and unique ways to reward customer loyalty, and people will almost always appreciate whatever you do. This is especially true when it comes to offering discounts and freebies. 
A major component of running a successful business is looking for ways to constantly improve. Use these tips for inspiration to take your company to the next level. 

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