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Hold on a second! Do you know about Anabolic steroids?

Probably yes. If you don’t though, then you can call them lab-made hormones. They are not just any hormone, though. They mimic only the sex hormones or Androgens in the body. So, if you’re lacking testosterone, then your doctor might choose to administer anabolic steroids.  

And yes, you don’t always need a syringe to put it inside your bloodstream like they show in the movies. You can take medicines such as Bayer Proviron orally because it is one of the anabolic steroids in tablet form. 

Why Doctors Prescribe Anabolic Steroids Anyway

Well, the doctors have their set of reasons. The thing is, these reasons find their origins in the problem found in your body. It’s okay, though. Your body can have problems. We have made their solutions, too. 

You see, anabolic steroids are more misused than used. There are many countries in the world where you see people are given the freedom or right to buy anabolic steroids without a doctor’s prescription. Although this ‘over the counter’ way of buying androgenic, anabolic steroids is common, it’s not always the proper practice. 

This is why your doctor is sitting at the clinic. 

Doctors have more than a good reason to use anabolic steroids for a patient. Only after thorough observation and diagnosis of a patient can the professional understand if the administration of medicines such as Bayer Proviron or Galenika Testosterone might be important. 

A few of these reasons may be:

  • To improve muscle growth and male characteristics in boys suffering from delayed puberty. 
  • To help men with increased protein synthesis, which helps develop their muscles and bones.  
  • To treat men with sexual dysfunction. Older men mainly fall into this category. 
  • To aid in testosterone supplementation therapy. 
  • To use as supportive medications in a few surgeries. 

These are the reasons your doctor may ask you to use anabolic steroids. By doing research, you might have come across terms such as anabolic steroid cycles and more. Don’t get confused about these uses, though. We can learn about them in the next point. 

Using or Administering Anabolic Steroids in Your Body

Please note that we need to know much more than we describe here. For that, the best thing you can do is contact a licensed practitioner. He or she might indeed help. 

  • To Treat Muscle Dysmorphia  

Muscle dysmorphia is a problem of your muscles where the muscle cells are too lean. So, the person looks leaner and skinnier. However, dysmorphia can screw your mental health because you might be tricked into believing that your muscles are getting smaller, unexpectedly leaner and shorter.  

That is not what it means, though. Your muscles might decay due to stress, the wrong kind of activity, or the wrong kind of use. Your genetics can cause it, and you can develop it for other reasons. 

However, it has been tracked that a considerable percentage of people treat muscle dysmorphia by actually misusing anabolic steroids. Habits like this have been seen in athletes and bodybuilders due to excessive fear of losing muscle mass. 

Don’t worry about it; talk to your doctor. He or she knows more than anabolic steroid treatment to help you get relief from a disease you are suffering at the moment. Plus, do not forget that there is more than one way to solve a problem. 

  • Anabolic Steroid Cycling and Stacking 

Although the anabolic steroid community have these words hovering around, they might not be the right choice for a few and the opposite for others. You see, both these terms are used for the application of anabolic steroids. It does not necessarily mean that they are right. 

When you use steroids regularly for a while and then pause taking them. You restart after a set time. This is what you call an anabolic steroid cycle because you cycle the drug use. 

On the other hand, anabolic steroid stacking is a process where you take more than one steroid to get better results.

Both these practices are standard in bodybuilding and other communities. However, that does not mean these processes are right unless your doctor tells you so. 

  • Pyramiding 

It is a process which makes kind of a combination of both the anabolic steroid cycling and stacking to get yourself the right results. 

In this method, you start by taking anabolic steroids in the way of cycling them and stacking them altogether. This you start with the lowest dose possible. You keep increasing it and then give yourself some time to rest before beginning again. 

Pyramidding might be helpful to prevent the side effects of administering anabolic steroids. Still, if you want to go for this style of administering the medicine, please do not do so without consulting your doctors. 

To Conclude: Is Plateauing a Good Steroid Practice?

Let’s say you know all these methods and began chaos using them. You keep on staggering, overlapping and reusing medications. That is called plateauing, and it can seriously make you sick with side effects or other long-term health conditions.

Always remember a medicine such as Proviron Bayer can help you gain muscle only if your doctor suggests it, and that too in the correct dosages. So, if you want to save yourself, take these medicines with care and always consult a doctor. 

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