appealing appearance
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Whether you are an old-school romantic or prefer flings, your appearance is the one thing that determines your initial impression of someone. Before you can approach a woman and strike up a conversation, chances are that she has already assessed you through your appearance, and partly made up her mind regarding you. How you style yourself is just as important as how you conduct yourself, especially when it comes to dating.

Are you looking to charm your date by your sense of style, but unsure how to go about it? You certainly do not want to be overdressed, or underdressed and God forbid, send the wrong signals! Your appearance is the number one tool at your disposal to help your efforts in wooing her to the point where she will be obsessed with you. And no, you do not have to be exceptionally good-looking to achieve this. Read on to know more.

Grooming Is A Must

Some women are certainly into the unkempt aesthetic, but you may not want to take your chances with that. Being well-groomed is the first way to make a good impression on your date. Other than showing that you care about your hygiene and appearance, it shows that you took out the time to get dressed and look good for her. It shows that you made an effort to look nice, which means she is important to you. Believe it or not, an action as small as this can tip the scales in your favor considerably.

And if everything goes well, both of you can certainly enjoy an unkempt aesthetic later on!

Opt For A Shirt Instead Of A Tee

Here’s a secret not many guys know: women LOVE crisp, wrinkle-free shirts. A shirt shows class, and sophistication and adds a sense of much-appreciated elegance. Even if it’s a casual date, choose a well-ironed shirt with some skinny jeans- the perfect blend of class and chill.

Coming to why women love shirts- you can roll up your sleeves and create a very sexy first impression. There is just something about rolled-up sleeves that women find irresistible. This accentuates your arms and hands, which might prompt your date to shyly slip her hands in yours. That is a sign you are going to have a great night.

A lot of women prefer to go out with gentlemen escorts instead of regular guys, simply because they dress well. You may be missing out on chances just because you are traipsing along in your hoodie and track pants. Swap them for a pair of jeans with a crisp shirt and make eyes turn your way.

Always Smell Good

This is non-negotiable. A big part of your charm has to do with how good you smell. You will find your date pulling you close and taking a deep breath every time you hug her if you smell fresh. It shows that you are well-groomed, and it can be a powerful tool in making your date inch closer and closer to your side. She might even associate that smell with you and be reminded of you every time she gets a whiff of it.

Women prefer when men smell spicy and/or citrusy, with just a hint of musk. Choose your cologne wisely, because it is a definite part of your overall style.

Pair The Right Accessories

Accessories complete your ensemble. The two things you can never go wrong with on a date- a watch and the right footwear.

As we mentioned already, your hands can have a very sexy appeal on your date, and a watch drives attention to them. Bonus points if you have nice hands. A watch also adds sophistication to your look. However, make sure that you match it with your outfit. It is advised to go for neutral colors instead of something too bold.

Shoes are an important part of your fashion statement. They can turn even a normal outfit into a dashing one. If you want to impress your girl, go for brown or black formal shoes. Of course, make sure they are polished!

Be Aware Of Your Body Language

Women love it when men act calmly and naturally, instead of trying to overdo their style to impress. For example, a subtle nod, leaning in slightly to pay attention to the conversation, a low hum every now and then, making eye contact, or brushing your hand through your hair. Or, if you are feeling whimsically adventurous, steer the car with one hand while resting the other on her knee. It’s an easy game once you can figure out the art of body language and use it in your favor.

These simple tips can level up your dating game and make you a pro. Contrary to popular belief, women do not need elaborate displays or grand gestures to feel special. Your girl only needs your attention, and through the above-mentioned ways, you can charm her through the night and get very, very lucky.

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