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Eyestrain. Headaches. Blurry vision.  In our digital world, these discomforts are all too common. But how do you know if it’s just temporary discomfort or a sign you might need glasses?  Arlo Wolf, a brand known for stylish blue light filtering glasses, dives into eight key signs that your eyes might be calling for some TLC.  Remember, this information is for informational purposes only and doesn’t replace a professional eye exam.

Is It Time for Glasses? 8 Signs to Watch For

Digital Demons: Do headaches and blurry vision plague you after extensive screen time? This classic eye strain symptom can be caused by uncorrected vision. Your eyes work hard to focus on digital devices, and if they’re not up to the challenge, discomfort arises.

The Arlo Wolf Solution: Consider incorporating blue light filtering glasses, like Arlo Wolf’s computer-specific lenses, into your routine. These glasses may help reduce eye strain by filtering out a specific range of blue light emitted by digital devices. However, if headaches persist, consult an eye doctor to rule out other causes.

Distant Dilemma: Struggling to see objects far away? Squinting to catch road signs or recognize faces across the room could indicate farsightedness (hyperopia). With this refractive error, distant objects appear blurry, while close-up vision might be relatively clear.

The Arlo Wolf Solution: An eye doctor can prescribe corrective lenses to improve your distant vision. Depending on your needs, you might require single vision distance glasses for everyday wear, or bifocals/progressives for both near and farsightedness correction.

Near Nightmares: Do you hold reading materials at arm’s length or strain your eyes for close-up tasks? These symptoms might signal nearsightedness (myopia), where close objects are clear but distant objects appear blurry.

The Arlo Wolf Solution: An eye doctor can prescribe corrective lenses to improve your near vision. You might need single vision near glasses for reading and close-up tasks, or bifocals/progressives if you also experience farsightedness.

Headache Havoc: Headaches aren’t random occurrences. They can be a symptom of uncorrected vision issues. Eye strain caused by focusing difficulties can lead to frequent headaches and overall eye fatigue.

The Arlo Wolf Solution: Schedule an eye exam to determine if your vision needs correction. In addition to potentially requiring glasses, ensure proper ergonomics at your workspace, take regular screen breaks, and consider blue light filtering glasses to minimize eye strain.

Double Trouble: Seeing double images or having difficulty maintaining focus on an object, causing it to appear jumpy, can indicate various eye conditions like astigmatism or strabismus (crossed eyes).

The Arlo Wolf Solution: Don’t hesitate to consult an eye doctor immediately. Double vision and difficulty focusing can be signs of serious conditions requiring professional evaluation and treatment.

The Squint Signal: Do you find yourself squinting or closing one eye to see clearly? This subconscious attempt to improve focus might indicate an underlying vision issue.

The Arlo Wolf Solution: Schedule an eye exam to determine the cause of your squinting. It could be farsightedness, nearsightedness, or astigmatism, all addressed with corrective lenses.

Light Woes: Bothered by bright lights, experiencing excessive tearing, or are your eyes light-sensitive? While occasional sensitivity is normal, persistent discomfort could indicate an underlying condition.

The Arlo Wolf Solution: Consult an eye doctor to rule out any medical conditions. In the meantime, consider UV-protective sunglasses outdoors and reducing screen brightness. Arlo Wolf’s glasses also offer anti-glare coatings that can potentially reduce discomfort.

Blurry Prescription Changes: If you already wear glasses or contacts and experience a noticeable decline in vision, it might be time for an updated prescription. Your eyes can change over time, and your current lenses may no longer be optimal.

The Arlo Wolf Solution: Schedule a comprehensive eye exam to ensure your prescription is up-to-date.

Taking Charge of Your Eye Health

If you experience any of these signs, don’t hesitate to schedule an eye exam with an ophthalmologist or optometrist.  Early detection and correction of vision problems can help maintain optimal eye health for years to come.  Arlo Wolf offers stylish and functional eyewear options, but remember, they are not a substitute for a professional diagnosis and prescription.


Are these the only signs that someone might need glasses?

No, these are just eight common indicators. Other symptoms like eye redness, itching, or seeing halos around lights can also point towards the need for an eye exam.

Can blue light filtering glasses cure eye strain?

Arlo Wolf’s blue light filtering glasses may help reduce eye strain caused by digital devices, but they are not a cure-all. Ensure proper screen time management and consult an eye doctor for persistent issues.

What type of eye doctor should I see?

Both ophthalmologists and optometrists can perform comprehensive eye exams and prescribe corrective lenses. Optometrists typically focus on primary eye care, while ophthalmologists can also diagnose and treat eye diseases.

Do I need an eye exam if I already wear glasses or contacts?

Yes. Your prescription can change over time, so regular eye exams (usually every 1-2 years) are essential to ensure your corrective lenses are still optimal for your vision needs.

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