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Up to 15% of the UK’s total carbon emissions come from the energy used to heat our homes. That’s a significant chunk! Moreover, harmful gases trap heat around the Earth, causing climate change. It is the reason the government is urging people to opt for low-carbon central heating systems and reduce their carbon footprint. 

The government introduced the ECO schemes over a decade ago and it has continued ever since. The aim is to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. It offers various heating solutions and for older homes with no central heating, a free-of-cost central heating system. Details of this free central heating system can be seen at The government is serious about environment-friendly heating and is helping low-income households with various schemes and grants. 

Low-carbon heating systems can make a big difference in reducing our carbon footprint. Let’s explore how these innovative technologies can help our planet.

Why does heating matter? 

Our homes are our havens, especially when it’s chilly outside. Burning fossil fuels like oil and gas is the primary means to heat our homes. Burning these fuels releases harmful gases that trap heat around the Earth, causing the greenhouse effect. This disrupts weather patterns, melts glaciers, and harms plants and animals. Luckily, there are ways to stay cosy and be kind to the planet at the same time.

What are Low-Carbon Heating Systems?

Low-carbon heating systems are exactly what they sound like. These are the ways to heat your home that release little to no carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. CO2 is a gas that traps heat around the Earth, causing climate change. Traditional heating systems often rely on burning fossil fuels like oil and gas. These release a lot of CO2, which is why low-carbon systems are becoming increasingly important. Low-carbon heating systems, on the other hand, use renewable energy sources or capture heat from the environment. This means they’re kinder to the planet and can help us fight climate change.

Why is heating a culprit? 

Heating accounts for a whopping 64% of energy bills in most households, with an additional 10% going toward hot water. Moreover, traditional gas central heating systems are major contributors to carbon emissions. So, what can we do to change this? Low-Carbon Heating

Solutions Storage Heaters

There was a time when storage heaters were clunky and inefficient. But not anymore! These electric-powered heaters now store thermal energy. They do so by using off-peak (cheaper) electricity to heat internal ceramic bricks during the night. The heat is then released during the day, keeping your home warm. Plus, since nighttime often relies on renewable energy sources, these heaters help reduce carbon emissions. If you’re on an Economy 7 tariff (cheaper energy overnight), storage heaters are a smart choice.

Air Source Heat Pumps

Air source heat pumps extract heat from the air outside and use it to warm your home. They work efficiently even in colder climates. They can significantly reduce your carbon footprint. Moreover, they’re eligible for the UK Government’s eco4 scheme, which offers free installation of heat pumps.

Hybrid Systems

Hybrid systems combine different technologies, such as a heat pump and a gas boiler. They adapt to weather conditions, switching between the two energy sources as needed. Consequently, this flexibility ensures efficient heating while minimizing emissions.

Solar Thermal Panels

Solar thermal panels capture sunlight to heat water. On average, they provide up to 60% of your hot water needs. Furthermore, they can save around 600 kg of carbon dioxide emissions annually.

Eco Boilers

Eco boilers use renewable energy sources like biomass or hydrogen. They’re a cleaner alternative to traditional gas boilers and contribute to a greener environment.

The Economic Impact

Decarbonizing household heating isn’t only about the environment. It also creates jobs and economic activity. By adopting low-carbon heating technologies, we can improve housing efficiency while addressing social inclusion and inequality. It’s a win-win! Moreover, the government is phasing out gas boilers in new homes after 2025. Low-carbon heating systems like heat pumps will replace them. Moreover, this move aims to tackle the climate crisis and reduce carbon emissions.


Low-carbon heating systems are our allies in the fight against climate change. By embracing these technologies, we can keep our homes warm and cosy. Moreover, wan can save money, and protect our planet. So, let’s make the switch and build a greener future together! Remember, every small step counts. So let’s choose low-carbon heating systems and make a big impact!

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