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Whether you’re training to be a professional athlete or trying out for a school team, you need gear that can help you succeed. No matter which sport you play, you’ll be required to use the proper safety gear. However, there are other types of gear you can buy that can improve your performance. Unfortunately, when buying sports gear, it can be overwhelming because of all the options you have. We’ve put together this list to help you determine which types of gear you need to play sports. Here are the gear must haves in 2022.


All athletes need activewear for a comfortable workout because what you wear has a major impact on your training. Luckily, you don’t have to spend too much on activewear as long as you can find clothing that’s moisture-wicking and provides you with compression. Moisture wicking materials keep your body cool and dry during your workout to help you work out more effectively. Meanwhile, compression supports the muscles and offers better circulation.


If you have long hair, a headband can help keep hair and sweat out of your eyes and off your face. Headbands are great for working out but are even better on game day, since you’ll need to see properly to win.

Water Bottle

Your gear should always consist of a refillable water bottle to provide you with hydration no matter where you go. Whether you’re simply going to the gym or getting ready for gameday, you need access to clean, cold weather that can help keep you cool on hot days and hydrated for the game. Even if you prefer sports drinks, you should still have water to ensure proper hydration.

Running Shoes

All sports require some sort of footwear, and you’ll have to wear tennis shoes when training. Running shoes are versatile, helping support your feet and ankles when you perform cardio workouts or strength training.

Recovery Gear

Athletes need to speed up the recovery process so they can get back in the gym as soon as possible. Recovery gear such as braces and ice packs can help your body heal after an intense workout, allowing you to feel your best the next day.

Gym Bag

Wherever you go, you’ll need to bring a bag along to hold all your gear. Your bag should be used at the gym and during game day. A duffel bag is typically the best option to ensure you can fit all of your gear and not have to worry about odors coming from gym clothes or shoes. Dedicating one duffel bag to your sports gear ensures you always know where your stuff is and can prevent any odors from permeating through other bags.

Sport-Specific Gear

Every sport requires its own gear. For example, soccer requires shin guards while track requires spikes. When you first start your sport, you can look for a list of all the required gear to keep you safe and enhance your performance. If you’re in high school, your coach may provide you with a list of the necessary gear you need.

Athletic Tape

Athletic tape, also known as kinesiology tape can help prevent injuries while providing your muscles with additional support and even pain relief when you’re sore. Unfortunately, you can’t tape your body up any way you choose; athletic tape requires you to use a special technique to enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury. If you’re unsure how to use kinesiology tape, you can talk to an athletic coach or search up a tutorial online.

Practice Gear

Whether you play golf or a field sport, you’ll need gear that you use only for practice. Of course, you should also get used to your game-day gear by using it during practice, too. However, it’s best to use your old gear for practice to prevent it from breaking during a game. Practice gear comes in many shapes and forms from using the same exact types of gear at home or investing in new gear that allows you to practice at home. For example, you can use a golf simulator in your garage to practice your swing without going to a nearby golf course.

The practice gear you use will depend on your specific sport, but there’s no reason to spend too much money on your equipment since it will only be used for practice.

Considerations When Purchasing Sports Gear

Every now and then you’ll need to purchase new sporting goods. Whether you’re upgrading your current gear or trying out a new sport, gear can be expensive, especially if you’re not sure what you’re looking for. Your sporting gear needs to be high quality to ensure it won’t break or hurt you. Selecting the right gear for your game is crucial, so here are a few things to consider before you make a purchase.

  • Quality: Quality gear is more expensive, but it’s a necessity for anyone serious about their sport. High quality gear reduces the risk of injury, so always look for a brand name you trust.
  • Safety: Your gear shouldn’t be dangerous when you’re using it correctly.  If you’re a rookie or new to a sport, consider the safety of the equipment you use and check equipment that could be dangerous to protect against injury.
  • Budget: Of course, you should always consider your budget. Sports equipment can quickly become expensive if you don’t shop around. The brands you’re interested in are important considerations because you can trust them, but they might be too expensive considering all of the different types of gear you have to purchase.

Final Thoughts

Whether you play a sport or are starting to train for improved health, you need essential gear that can help you reach your performance goals. Depending on your sport, you may need to discuss a few essentials with an athletic coach to ensure you have everything you need. When shopping for gear, always consider your budget, but try to get equipment from brands you trust to ensure they’re safe.

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