move out of a toxic relationship
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No matter your gender, toxic relationships should never be tolerated. But the heart and brain are not always in sync and recognizing the red flags and getting out gets tricky. Especially for men, it is trickier as they are constantly anxious about getting judged in the future relationship. What if the next woman in his life feel he was wrong? Moreover, women are very subtle about their toxic practices and even unconscious of them. but as a man, if you realize your relationship is toxic, it is wiser to let go. Here are a few tips to move out of a toxic relationship that are helpful.

Reserve more time for yourself

When you realize the relationship is getting toxic, you should limit the time you spent with your partner. In most cases, a relationship gets toxic when the personal space is extremely evaded. This is when you should start gaining back control of your time. Make more plans with your friends or go out alone. Once you start enjoying your own company, it would not bother you much whether your girlfriend is around your not. This may make her more aggressive for some time, but in the long run, it will benefit you emotionally.

Go for counseling

Go to a counselor for therapy. When you get a third-person but neutral opinion, it will motivate you more and help you see more clearly the red flags of the relationship. The counselor will also help you analyze the situations in your relationship. It is better to take such a professional opinion than consult friends and family. This is because they are experts and also it keeps your private life confidential.

Talk to your partner

If the relationship still seems salvageable, we would recommend talking to your partner first. Seat down calmly and explain to them the way you feel. Do not dismiss right away that they would not get your point. Instead, be patient with them as you explain the concerns you have. Observe how they react to this as most of the things you say would sound like allegations to them. If they are willing to reason out, you can probe further into deeper issues. If they turn violent or behave dismissively, it is better to take the other tips we have for you to move out of a toxic relationship.

Try out casual flings

A toxic relationship also means you probably do not get much intimate anymore. Eventually, this can become a major issue for both partners. You may feel the sexual urge but your partner’s abusive tendencies make you drained. In such a situation, you may get tempted to cheat on her. But rather than that, you can satiate your feelings by trying out porn cams instead. Looking at beautiful women is technically not cheating on your partner. It will also de-stress you and help you handle the situation gracefully.

Be firm about your decision

Once you decide to end a toxic relationship, be firm about your standpoint. If you end up coming back to them, you will be unnecessarily boosting their ego. Moreover, they would become even more vengeful and abusive because you dared to move out. Being firm about your standpoint not just applies to moving out or staying in the relationship but also to taking a stand when it is necessary.

Now that you know some ways to get out of such a relationship, it is time to take a leap of faith. In the end, it is your relationship and your tolerance limit- so your decision should be completely unbiased. But always remember- your happiness should be the priority.

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