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Knowing how to manage your money means that you can make your income go further and reach your money goals – and with just a few simple changes, you can give your bank balance a well-needed boost. Being clever with your money means that not only are you less likely to get into financial difficulty, but it also means that you will be able to afford more of the things you really want. If cash flow is tight and you need help in an emergency, the best payday loans uk can help, but having your own savings to fall back on is beneficial. Read on for more about how you can be clever with your cash.

Get to know your finances 

Before you can start being clever with your money, you need to know more about your finances so you can keep up with them and monitor them regularly. If you have struggled to manage your money in the past, you may be in the habit of never checking your bank account because it fills you with anxiety – this is understandable, but if you want to make a change, you’ll have to keep up to date with how your money works. You can do this easily by using a banking app or budgeting app. You will be able to get to know your income each month, and your outgoings, as well as have an overview of where you are spending. This allows you to make changes for the better. Getting to know your finances is the first step to take when it comes to improving money management. 


It is essential that you add to your savings so that you have an extra pot of cash that you can fall back on if you need it. You can build your savings easily; all you must do is automate payments to come out of your current account each month to be transferred to your savings account. This way you can stay consistent, and your savings will soon mount up. You don’t need to put a huge sum of money away each month, just as much as you can afford – a little each month can make a huge difference! This brings us to our next point…

Create money goals 

If you don’t have financial goals to work towards, you’ll have nothing to keep you on track. When it comes to being clever with your money, think about what you want to achieve. Do you want to pay off your debt? Or maybe you want to save for a life event like buying a house. Creating these goals gives you something to work towards and means that you are more likely to manage your money in a way that helps you achieve them. You can track your progress, so you feel like you’ve accomplished something to keep you motivated! 

Make changes 

Being clever with your money means cutting down on unnecessary spending. Making sure that you’re not spending too much money on items that you don’t really need can make a huge difference to your finances. For example, if you are prone to impulse buying at the supermarket, make a list and stick to it – if it’s not on the list, don’t buy it! Or if you buy your lunch at work each day, try making something before you go and taking it as a packed lunch – this will save you a chunk of money weekly, so imagine how much it would mount up to over a year. 

Use cash

When you’re off to do your shopping, whether that’s at the supermarket, or around town, it is beneficial to take an amount of cash out before you go that you intend to cover the costs of your purchases and leave your cards at home. Along with making a list, this is one of the best ways to ensure that you are sticking to your budget and only spending as much as you need. You will have to be more careful when shopping as you will not be able to use your card as a backup. 

Compare tariffs 

Whether you’re looking for a new energy provider or mobile phone contract, you should never choose the first tariff that you see. Make sure that you compare providers to find the best price. If, for example, you think you are paying too much for your phone bill, get in touch with your chosen company and ask them to change your tariff. If not, look elsewhere for companies that may offer a cheaper deal. There are ways to make your monthly bills more affordable, you just have to look for them. 

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