how to keep the flame in a relationship alive
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Do you think your relationship has become boring? Are there not enough exciting moments anymore? Do you miss what you both had at the beginning? Then we have just what you need. 5 years later, things tend to slow down and we have a few tips on how to keep the flame in a relationship alive!

The 2/2/2 rule

Here’s a great rule to follow in your relationship, especially after a few years. We call it the 2/2/2 rule. Every two weeks, go out for dinner, every two months, go out for the weekend and every two years, take a vacation for a week. Intentionally taking time out just for the two of you is absolutely essential. To make the time more private, keep your phones away. Use this time to catch up on what’s been happening, what are your plans for the next few weeks or months, how life is going. Or simply appreciate being together and enjoy the moment.

Share a fun hobby

After 5 years the rosy honeymoon period is over and both the partners are busy doing their own thing. Living together is not the same as actual companionship. So when things start to get dull, what you can do is to deliberately find a hobby to share together. Look for a fun and adventurous hobby like trekking, long cycling trips, or something creative and intimate like pottery. You could also go for dance classes together. Dance forms like salsa, bachata, etc. help tighten the bond again as you fall into each other’s embrace, swaying to a tune as you figure out how to keep the flame in a relationship alive.

Surprise one another

Another way for balanced relationships is surprises. They never go out of fashion. With surprises there is never a dull moment in life. Think of giving gifts or planning a surprise for your partner every now and then. You do not need a special occasion like birthdays and anniversaries for that. You could just do it anytime you please. On fact, do it when they least expect it. Drop a parcel at their workplace or set up a candle light dinner at home when they come back. Surprises are a great way to let your partner know you still think of making them happy. Sometimes that itself is enough to fuel that spark again.

Never stop being vocal about your feelings

A few years of togetherness brings in a whole lot of comfort between the couple. One drawback of this comfort is that people often stop doing the little things that they used to do for their partner; being vocal for instance. Make your relationship work and never stop expressing your feelings. Yes, you’ve been with them for 5 years now. Yes they know you love them, but it still doesn’t hurt to tell them every once in a while. Let them know how pretty of handsome you still find them. Point out the little things that they do and appreciate. Tell them the dinner they cooked was lovely, tell them they still give you butterflies and watch them blush like a teenager. All these small verbalizations go a long way. Be vocal again and you will notice how things instantly start seeming brighter between the two of you.

Get close even without having sex

Did you know that an average person requires 10 hugs for maintenance and 20 to feel happy and loved? So now you know what’s missing between you two. A passionate kiss or a tight hug doesn’t always have to end up in sex. Also you don’t just have to be affectionate when you’re in bed. Random hugs during the day are always welcome and much appreciated. Show affection physically to let them know you still want them just the same; that you still crave them. Keep the heat simmering by touching them when they’re working, cooking or cleaning around the house. If their language of love is physical touch, then this method will make a huge difference in their attitude towards the relationship too. BestPremiumPornSites offer something for couples who prefer watching something together, so you might like to make use of it.

Every relationship is likely to get boring and dull after a period of time. But it is important to remember that it is not the loss of love but rather the onset of absolutely comfort and being one with the other person that is causing the laid back change. Appreciate the slowing down too, you never know what moments you might be missing out on. Follow our tips to keep the flame alighted and warm up your relationship again. Thank us later!

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