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Body butter is a rich and nourishing moisturizer that can provide long-lasting hydration and nourishment to the skin. However, to achieve the best results from body butter, it’s important to use it correctly. Here are some tips on how to use body butter for long-lasting results:

Apply to Clean Skin

Before applying Bitchin butter, it’s important to ensure that your skin is clean and free from dirt and oil. This will allow the body butter to penetrate the skin more effectively and provide optimal hydration. You can cleanse your skin with a gentle cleanser or wash it with warm water.

Use on Damp Skin

To maximize the moisturizing benefits of body butter, it’s best to apply it to damp skin. This is because water helps to open up the pores and allows the body butter to penetrate more deeply into the skin. After showering or bathing, pat your skin dry with a towel and immediately apply the body butter.

Warm it up

Body butter can be quite thick, and it’s important to warm it up in your hands before applying it to your skin. Rub this whipped body butter between your palms until it begins to melt, and then apply it to your skin in a gentle, circular motion. This will help to distribute the product evenly and ensure that it is absorbed into the skin.

Pay attention to dry areas.

Pay extra attention to areas of the body that tend to be dry, such as elbows, knees, and feet. These areas may require more product and additional attention during application. Be sure to thoroughly massage the body butter into these areas and allow it to absorb fully before getting dressed.

Apply before Bedtime      

Applying whipped body butter before bedtime can help to provide long-lasting hydration and nourishment to the skin. This is because the body has the opportunity to absorb the product overnight, resulting in softer and smoother skin in the morning. Before bed, apply body butter to your skin and allow it to absorb fully before getting into bed.

Don’t Overdo It

While body butter can provide long-lasting hydration, it’s important not to overdo it. Using too much body butter can leave a greasy residue on the skin and prevent it from fully absorbing the product. Use a small amount of body butter and apply it in layers if necessary, allowing each layer to absorb fully before applying more.

Choose the Right Product

To achieve the best results from body butter, it’s important to choose the right product for your skin type and excellent skin care. If you have dry or sensitive skin, look for a body butter that contains natural ingredients such as shea butter, cocoa butter, or coconut oil. These ingredients are gentle and nourishing and can help to soothe and hydrate dry skin. If you have oily skin, look for a lightweight body butter that won’t clog your pores.


Bitchin butter can be a beneficial addition to your skincare routine, especially if you have dry or sensitive skin, eczema-prone skin, stretch marks or if you’re looking to combat the signs of ageing. By incorporating body butter into your skincare routine, you can help to provide intense hydration and nourishment to the skin, resulting in healthier, more radiant-looking skin.


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