aged care homes
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It is never easy to send your elderly loved one to a nursing home. It is even more painful when you hear them saying that they don’t like it there and wish to return. Just when you think that everything is solved and your parents are in the good hands of professional and skilled nursing assistants, they tell you their intention to leave. Before you make any rush decision and put the blame on the aged care homes, here are some strategies that you can follow to act upon their desire to exit the nursing facility.

  • Feeling isolated

You need to understand that even though your parents are surrounded by other residents and staff in the nursing home, loneliness can still find them. Their connection is probably not deeper than their relationship with you and their old friends. Therefore, they feel unhappy and isolated. You can help them to join the group in the nursing homes through leisure activities like playing board games or dancing class. First, you can accompany them during those activities, then you can let them enjoy it themselves. You can also make a regular visit. Bring their grandkids with you. At the end of the day, no one can replace the presence of the family. Therefore, your presence will mean a lot to them and can cheer them up in the nursing home.

  • The food choices

Although it seems like a minor issue, poor food options or qualities can trigger your parents to feel uncomfortable in nursing homes. Some aged care facility offers a limited variety of foods, and there is nothing you can do about it. However, you can provide personalized food for your parents. You can ask about their preferences and cook it or order it so that they can consume their favourite meal. It doesn’t have to be done every day. You can deliver the food at least once or twice a week so they can fill their appetite with the familiar taste of home-cooked food.  

  • Not satisfied with the facility

Although most aged care facilities employ well-trained and skilled nurses, that doesn’t necessarily guarantee that it will always be a pleasant experience for your elder. Sometimes, the workers can be disrespectful and the other residents might irritate them. Your parents may find it inconvenient and think that the best solution is going home. In this case, you can help them by consulting this issue with the nursing home management. You can reach the nursing supervisor or director and raise your concerns. Don’t hesitate to do this, because, at the end of the day, your parents’ well-being should always be at the top of your priority.

It is important to identify and understand the reasons why your parents want to leave Richmond aged care. Take time for a heart-to-heart conversation with them, listen to their concerns, and gather as much information as possible so that you can find the best solution for your parents well being. 

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