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Interior design is the very first thing that visitors to a space notice, even if they don’t realize it. On many occasions, homeowners realize that the decor of a room needs to change, but they can’t quite put their finger on how to go about doing it.

Architectural Digest mentions that a refresh might be more fitting than redoing an entire room because it allows for the decorator to build interest through art and accessories. As an additional plus, refreshing a room usually costs a lot less in terms of time and effort than redoing it.

Huffington Post notes that refreshing a living space doesn’t even need new furniture or other lavish trappings, but one can do it using elements that one already has access to. Refreshing a living space is a simple matter of knowing what sort of style the area is best suited for and designing around that style.

Even the smallest of rooms could benefit from a few well-placed accessories or a new coat of paint.

Tip 1: Use Softer, Lighter Colors to Make a Room Feel Larger

Small spaces are among the most natural places to overlook but offer the most significant potential for refreshing.

The Spruce states that color can alter how one perceives space, making a room feel larger or differently shaped. Bright colors especially make a place feel airier and accentuate the light that naturally falls into a room from a nearby window. The lighter colors offer the illusion of more space and help the room feel as if it’s a lot larger than its actual dimensions are.

Tip 2: Don’t be Afraid to Mix and Match

Using different pattern styles and colors might seem like a lousy interior design choice, but if one includes the contrasting textures or colors deliberately, it can bring a surprising freshness to the design of a particular room.

Consider combining antique furniture with new, modern pieces in a stylistic mashup that accentuates both parts. The same can go for things like carpet swatches. It’s a very fine line to walk, but if one manages it, the payoff is well worth the effort.

Tip 3: Adding Mirrors Increases the Illusion of Space

Another trick that many people already use in their interior design refreshments is the strategic positioning of mirrors. The Seattle Times reports that including mirrors into interior design can make rooms feel more substantial and better lit.

They don’t even have to be large mirrors since small ones offer the same illusion of space and do so within a manageable budget. Ornate mirrors can also be used instead of art to decorate the space and lend it some personality.

Tip 4: Use Neon Signage to Add a Splash of Color

For rooms that need a bit of accent lighting, instead of just installing standard lights, it might be a better design choice to leverage the soft, fluorescent glow of neon.

In recent years neon signs have made quite the recovery in interior design, with one using the style for both simple inspirational messages as well as simple geometric designs. Additionally, the colors can interact well with either a light or a dark color scheme making it a smart way to bring light and color to an otherwise dull room layout.

Tip 5: Add Some Greenery

There’s no need to plant entire palm trees within one’s living space, but a little greenery can go a long way towards making the area feel more welcoming.

Small plants can add personality to a room, and the style of pots and other accessories can add to the overall feeling of the layout. Plants do require upkeep (unless they’re artificial), but if they’re a particular color style that accents the layout and design of the room, the maintenance might be worth the time and effort one puts into it.

Tip 6: Add Paint or Wallpaper Designs to Fixtures

One should never underestimate the power of paint to refresh a room. A simple coat of paint on an otherwise drab accessory can turn it from an accent piece to something central to the room’s décor. Additionally, using paint on bookcases or shelves can make them stand out from their surroundings in new and interesting ways.

Refreshing Doesn’t Mean Redoing.

Redoing a room can be costly, and depending on complications, the final result might not be precisely what one planned it to be. Refreshing a room costs less in both time and money, and offers a quick way to change the personality of a room or space. Change is good in small doses, and keeping one’s living space changing over time makes it feel more welcoming.

Interior decorations can change from space to space to make the entire house feel like walking through a theme park with each area dedicated to its own feeling and layout. Ways to refresh design elements come from inspired people and the more different styles one sees, the easier it is to come up with ideas for updating one’s own design.

Author’s Bio: Lara Douglas is a young woman who loves interior designing and home decor. She is passionate about new trends and fashion forward home décor ideas. She regularly posts at Neon Signs Depot

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