Journeying Beyond Distances
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Moving across the country brings new sights, new opportunities, and even a new chance to follow your dreams. Yet, it’s also a challenging time, as there is a lot to do both before and after the move to make it as successful as possible. Make sure you plan properly for the move and start getting prepared as early as possible to make it easier to get everything done. 

Start Planning Well Ahead of Time

It’s essential to start planning for a long-haul move  as far in advance as possible. Though there may be times when a decision is made quickly, if it’s possible to take a few months to plan, that gives more time to get everything done and can help ensure nothing is forgotten or rushed. As soon as the move is planned, start looking at moving companies to find one that can help. It’s vital to choose the right one, so help is there if you need it.

Start Packing Early

Lots of items in the home won’t actually be needed in the next couple of months. Knickknacks, holiday decor, and similar items can be boxed up ahead of time and stored in a safe place to get them out of the way. This helps clear out the home, ensures items that won’t be needed are packed and out of the way, and provides more time for the things that will need to be packed right before the move. 

Clear Out Anything You No Longer Need

Take the time before the move to organize and toss anything that’s no longer needed. If something hasn’t been used in months and isn’t holiday decor, it can likely be tossed or donated. Often, it’s possible to find a local buy-nothing group where items in good condition can be posted for free. Someone who needs it can come pick it up. It may also be possible to sell items that are in great condition, and the money from that can help pay for the move. 

Finish Packing Before the Move

In the week or two leading up to the move, everything else can be packed away. Leave out a few changes of clothes, essential documents, and anything else that will be packed in the car instead of going in the moving van. These items can be packed last to make sure they’re packed in the vehicle and not with other belongings on the truck. Plus, they’ll be out if they are needed in the final days before the move. 

Get Help For Any Steps of the Process

While packing everything alone can help save money on the costs of moving a long distance, it is hard to do it all, especially when time is limited. Instead, it may be a good idea to let the moving company handle everything. They can supply boxes, packing tape, and other packing supplies, as well as box up everything safely and get it loaded into the truck to be ready to move. In most cases, they can have everything packed in just a day. 

If you’re getting ready for a long-distance move, planning for it will be crucial. Take the time to look around your house to determine what you can pack first, what should be left for last, and whether you’d like help with the packing process along with hiring a move to get the items to the new home. With the right help, the move will be a lot easier and you’ll be ready to start your journey to a new home. 

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