INSCMagazine: Get Social!

Building an email list sounds simple enough, right? Just grab some emails, put them on a list, and bam – you’re ready to go. But hold on a minute, it’s not that simple! There are a lot of slip-ups folks make when creating this list. In this write-up, we’re gonna dive deep into these mistakes so you don’t fall into the same traps.

Contents: 1. Why Bother with an Email List? 2. Common Oopsies When Making an Email List 3. Handy Hints for a Trusty Email List 4. A Bit More on Getting Quality Emails 5. Questions People Ask A Lot 6. Wrapping It Up

  1. Why Bother with an Email List? Okay, before we talk about mistakes, let’s chat on why you’d even want an email list. Well, think of it as your golden ticket. You can speak directly to folks, telling them about all the cool stuff you offer. No need to worry about online algorithms or anything. It’s just you and your potential customers.
  2. Common Oopsies When Making an Email List
  3. Not Asking First: Ever had someone just start talking to you without saying hi? Feels weird, right? That’s what it feels like when you email folks without asking.
  4. Forgetting the Phone Crowd: Loads of us read emails on our phones now. If your email looks all weird on a phone, it ain’t good.
  5. Buying Lists: Might sound like a quick fix, but most times, it’s not great. People won’t know who you are, and they might get annoyed.
  6. Too Many or Not Enough Emails: It’s like food. Too much, and you’re full. Too little, and you’re hungry. Find a nice middle ground.
  7. Hiding the ‘Goodbye’ Button: Sometimes, folks just want out. If they can’t find the exit (the unsubscribe button), it’s a bit frustrating.
  8. Sending Before Testing: Imagine sending a postcard, but half the words are missing. That’s why you gotta test your emails first.
  9. Handy Hints for a Trusty Email List
  10. Give a Little Gift: Maybe a discount or a fun guide? Makes folks more willing to hand over their email.
  11. Put a Sign-Up Everywhere: On your website, in your emails, maybe even in your store if you have one.
  12. Clean It Up: Just like cleaning your room. Every once in a while, take out the stuff (or emails) that you don’t need.
  13. Break It Up: Think of your list like a big pie. Sometimes, it’s good to cut it into slices based on what folks like.


Speaking of emails, if you’re starting from scratch and want a hand, BEL is the best place to buy email list. They’ve got some great options to kickstart things.

  1. A Bit More on Getting Quality Emails
  • Who’s Listening?: Think about who you’re talking to. If you know them well, you can chat about stuff they care about.
  • Stay On Topic: Don’t just send anything. Make it count. Make it good.
  • Chat, Don’t Shout: People like emails that chat to them, not ones that shout “BUY NOW!” all the time.
  1. Questions People Ask A Lot
  • Q: Is cleaning the email list a must?
  • A: Yeah, kinda. It’s good to do a little spring cleaning every few months.
  • Q: Buying lists – really a bad move?
  • A: Mostly, yeah. But some places, like BEL, can be a good choice if you really, really need it.
  • Q: How do I get more emails?
  • A: Patience, my friend. And offer them something cool in return.
  1. Wrapping It Up

So there you have it – the do’s and don’ts of making an email list. Remember, it’s not about having the longest list, but about having the right folks on it. Take your time, learn from the mistakes, and you’ll be just fine. And hey, everyone messes up from time to time (like me forgetting some punctuations here and there, oops!). Just keep trying and keep learning. Best of luck! 😉

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