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Are you excited to welcome a new cat at home? Welcoming a new cat needs you to be prepared with a few basic things which we have discussed below in detail.

1. Food and Water Bowls:

You obviously need food and a water bowl for your cat. If you have more than one cat, better give them separate bowls to avoid any sense of competition.

2. Litterbox:

You just cannot forget to get a litter box for your cat. You should get different litter boxes if you have more than one cat and locate each box in a different place in the house.

3. Resting Areas:

Your cat needs safe places to rest and they are more comfortable at elevation. Providing various comfortable spaces will help keep her in spaces that are within your reach. Make these areas as comfortable and inviting as possible. You should offer your cat treats as a reward for choosing that area. One such area is the window sill as cats love to hang out in high places, hence check out the best window perches for cats.

4. Scratching Posts:

You would not want your cat to scratch on your furniture which is why it is better to give your cat a scratch post which is an acceptable area to scratch. You should provide at least one post the cat can use as a scratching area. You need to train your cat to use only that as their scratching spot with the help of toys and treats.

5. Climbing Spaces:

Cats are known to climb vertical spaces such as shelves or cat trees, which is why they arrange for some vertical cat climb areas along with escape spaces so that cats can hang out on their own when they need to get away from other pets or children.

6. Crate:

You need a crate to carry your cat to places such as the vet, which is why get one that is comfortable and spacious enough for your cat. Also, train her well so that she does not get anxious in her crate space.

7. Personal Space:

When you are not home, there should be a safe place where you can let your cat hang out while you are away. This space needs to be safe and includes their litter box and food. It should also be free from any hidden hazards for your cat’s safety.

8. Toys:

Toys are not just for dogs but cats also enjoy a few toys. Get your toy motorized and interactive toys that they would find engaging. This also is a great bond time with your furry friend.

9. Safe Outdoor Access:

Obviously, you need to let your cat outside safely. Your pet needs to enjoy the outdoors too which is why you should figure out a protected area where the cat can be let free. You may also use a kitty harness or leash to ensure the safety of the pet.

The Bottom Line:

Cats are going to jump onto high space, which is why you need to carefully keep potentially harmful objects away from such high places. Cat proofing a home is not just about removing harmful things from the floor but the walls as well as they are great climbers.

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