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If you’re a founder, manager, or C-suite executive, there’s no doubt that you’ve had two upset employees barge into your office — inevitably on a Friday afternoon — with a “he said, she said” situation that they need you to resolve urgently. How do you handle it?

Don’t worry if you’re stuck for an answer. This is the kind of situation where Fulcrum HR Consulting CEO Kelly Kubicek shines: workplace communication.

It’s inevitable to have some communication issues in any professional setting, but your worth as a boss is in how you handle them. Do you gloss over facts that seem unimportant or land on the first conclusion to try and create a quick resolution? Those are your first mistakes, according to Kubicek.

Though these situations might get the adrenaline and cortisol running and initiate a fight-or-flight response in even the most capable leader, it’s the management’s job to remain calm, cool, and collected.

“Trying just to solve the problem as quickly as possible never really solves the problem,” said Kubicek. “And, even worse, it runs the risk of communicating — and acting on — false information that can upset employees and damage team morale.”

Kubicek has made her name as an edgy thought leader with her views on transparent HR processes, empathetic leadership that never runs soft, and total inclusivity. She is retained by Fortune 500 companies across the country to overhaul policies, create from-scratch company cultures, and fix existing issues of any size.

The CEO is also a new member of the invite-only Forbes Council, where entrepreneurs network, brainstorm, and skillshare. In the months since she became a member, she has published a handful of thought-provoking articles on topics trending in the HR industry.

Here is her best advice for improving workplace communication and earning your reputation as a fair and open leader.

Never Assume

“As humans, we’re prone to making assumptions about people and situations. But in the workplace, we should try to temper this inclination,” said Kubicek.

This means listening closely without jumping to conclusions, listening more than talking, asking for clarification on any points you don’t understand, and asking for input from other trusted employees.

Kubicek recommends active listening techniques to her clients to keep them focused on the matter at hand. You can try these by listening closely and periodically reiterating what you’ve heard.

It’s also important to avoid judgemental thoughts — if one employee is often right and the other wrong, you still need to give them equal time and consideration when mediating a disagreement.

As a trusted leader, you must communicate based on facts and objective observations.

Have Hard Conversations

Never shy away from difficult conversations. In the workplace and as a leader, your ability to navigate hard conversations will set you apart. Though these conversations are uncomfortable, they are key to your job, and the more practice you get, the better you will be.

Difficult conversations may arise during compensation negotiations, performance reviews, grievance resolutions, stakeholder meetings, hiring, and termination. Instead of dismissing or fearing these discussions, approach them rationally.

Identify the reason for the conversation and engage in active listening to get a full understanding of the employee’s message.

Beyond the Words

Acknowledge nonverbal cues by checking the body language of the involved people to get a fuller picture of the situation. Are they closed off and looking down, relaxed and lucid, or aggressive and combative? Their tone of voice will also tell you if they are approaching the conversation proactively or defensively.

Try to relax your staff to get them to explain the situation in the best possible way for you to assess and make a decision.

Costs of Poor Communication

The costs associated with poor communication are both direct and indirect. They can affect your staff in a number of ways, including job dissatisfaction, decreased productivity, low morale, more misunderstandings, distrust of management, low engagement, and increased turnover.

Communication is one of the specialties of Fulcrum HR Consulting, which also provides expertise in training, development, and outsourcing that result in maximum ROI, higher productivity, better rates of retention, and attracting the right talent.

So, learn to communicate well, and you’ll be rewarded by staff that respect you and are loyal. 

About Kelly Kubicek

Kelly Kubicek, CEO of Fulcrum HR Consulting, is on a mission to make HR more transparent. Fulcrum HR Consulting boasts vast HR experience, including accomplishments such as consolidating the entirety of over 9000 Nebraska state employees in one system in under 12 months and extensive work in Diversity and Inclusion efforts. To discover how to uplevel your HR Process visit

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