Social Media
INSCMagazine: Get Social!

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. It has changed the way we communicate, connect, and share information. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat allow us to share our thoughts, experiences, and memories with friends, family, and followers. However, as we spend more time on these platforms, the amount of personal information we share and absorb grows. Most people will agree it’s easy to feel consumed by social media. That begs the question, should we put so much of our lives on social media? Let’s explore.

The Advantages

Let’s start with the advantages because social media isn’t a pit of doom many of us find ourselves trapped in. Without social media, we wouldn’t connect with people in the way we do, find businesses as seamlessly as we do, and find new friends. The list could go on. 

Firstly, social media platforms allow us to document our lives and memories in a way that was not possible before. We can capture pictures and videos of special moments and share them with our loved ones who are far away. It’s then integrated with services that enhance those memories, like the best photo book maker, creating one nostalgic book to cherish forever. The integration between different services and social media is massive.

Social media is also great for understanding the world how we didn’t before. With a click of a button, you’re able to tap into people’s lives, discover issues worldwide, support people, and have a deeper understanding of the good and the bad we see. Sometimes, especially if you follow one person on social media closely, you almost feel like you’re part of their life. 

The Risks And Woes

Of course, there are several well-documented risks to social media use., the first being security. Social media platforms are not always secure, and our data can be easily hacked or leaked. Most recently, a man in LA faces charges because he managed to hack into an influencer’s account and ask for money. 

Another issue is targeted advertising. Social media companies can use our data for targeted advertising, a problem that can feel like an invasion of privacy and almost manipulation. All you need to do is visit one website, and your entire news feed is full of advertisements redirecting you back there. That’s not to say that it isn’t always negative. Sometimes targeted ads can point you in the direction of precisely what you were looking for.

Addiction and consumption are our final issues – the average person spends 2 hours and 31 minutes on social media, but some spend over five hours of their free time scrolling endlessly. The Gen Z generation is documented to be the most addicted to social media, with some news articles reporting a total loss of sense of reality. 

Long Term Problems

Storing our lives on social media can sometimes cause long-term problems. We may not realize it, but the content we post on social media can have lasting and damaging impacts on our reputation and future opportunities. Potential employers, colleagues, and even romantic partners may review our social media profiles to get a sense of who we are as a person. If we post inappropriate or unprofessional content, it could damage our reputation and limit our opportunities.

It’s no secret that social media isn’t going anywhere, and when used sensibly, in moderation, and with caution, they’re wonderful platforms for sharing our lives and connecting with people worldwide. Ultimately, we should strive to find a healthy balance between documenting our lives on social media with caution and living in the moment.

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