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Do you love your cat, and would you like to take it for a walk with you? Is there enough trust between you to go outside without the kitten getting stressed and wanting to run away? If you answered yes to the previous two questions, this article is for you. Below, I will explain how you can take the cat for a walk, taking note of some crucial points.

The advance in knowledge about felines has led to the knowledge that they enjoy a green lawn, the sun’s rays, and digging their nails into real trees. However, to make contact with the outside world a pleasant experience, you need to take precautions even when you’re using an escape-proof cat harness and leash.

Crucial Points To Note: When Walking Your Cat

Your cat is territorial by nature, and your house or apartment is its comfort zone. Taking him for a walk cannot be something abrupt, but rather a practice that is in progress so as not to cause him stress.

Get Him Used to the Harness

If your cat is small, you have all the advantages because you can start putting the true love harness on him now so that he becomes familiar with it and feels comfortable. In adult cats, there may be more resistance to change.

At home, let him play with the harness so he can smell it, chew it, and feel less distrustful of the object. Then, put the harness on him and continue playing with him so he takes it as part of the fun. You must keep in mind that it must be an escape-proof cat harness that fits well because dog harnesses will be loose, and they will be able to get away.

The Harness Is Essential

Is your cat no longer distressed by the harness? The next step is to add the leash with which you will take him for a walk and also let him become familiar with it before venturing outside.

The leash is essential not only because it guides the walk but also because it prevents him from running away if he gets scared or feels too exploratory in spirit. Several stores like the Whisker Wonder sell a complete cat harness and leash escape-proof alongside other luxury pet accessories.

Completing the kit with a necklace with a plaque indicating your name and contact person doesn’t hurt. The aim is to ensure that it does not get lost, but if it happens, it is important that whoever finds it can contact you.

Benefits Associated With Walking Your Cat

Now that you have everything ready, get ready to enjoy the walk with your cat, and keep in mind the benefits it will bring to your physical and mental health. The benefits your feline will get from this walk are discussed in this section.

Feline Intelligence is Enhanced

Each walk will be a sensory stimulation experience for your furry friend. You will see him approach objects with new textures and sharpen his sense of smell in search of smells to recognize and experience in a space that was unknown to him. All this information enhances your cat’s intelligence and response capacity in risky situations.

Minimizes the Risk of Obesity

Generally, whether it is a male or female cat, pets are usually neutered, and therefore, the risk of obesity is a threat that puts their health at risk. Taking your cat for a walk will help prevent obesity or reduce it if it is already in that condition. Exercise also improves the feline’s mood and helps make its character more docile.


The first outings when taking your cat for a walk should be short until you notice that your cat really feels comfortable. To reinforce this behavior and the taste for the harness, give him a reward. It can be his favorite food or an extra dose of affection, or you can even pamper him with a cat bed or a litter to control, which will not only benefit your pet but also your home. All these healthy pet products are within your reach when you shop at the Whisker Wonder store!

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