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Breast augmentation is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgeries in the United States, with over 300,000 procedures being performed yearly.

While breast implants offer women the opportunity to enhance their figure and boost their self-confidence, patients need to understand that different types of scars can result from the surgery.

In this article, we’ll discuss the main types of breast implant scars, as well as provide tips for minimizing their appearance.

Types of Breast Implant Scars

Breast augmentation surgery typically involves making an incision in the breast tissue to insert the implant. The type and location of this incision will determine the type of scar that results.


The most common type of implant scar is the inframammary scar, located beneath the breast in the natural crease where it meets the chest.

This type of scar is typically 4-6 cm long. It is placed in a discreet location, easily hidden by undergarments.


Another common type of implant scar is the periareolar scar, which runs around the outer edge of the areola (the dark area surrounding the nipple).

This type of scar can vary in length, depending on the size of the areola. It is typically well-concealed within the natural color transition between the areola and the surrounding skin.


For patients who want to avoid visible scarring on their breasts, transaxillary breast augmentation may be an option. This involves making an incision in the armpit area and inserting the implant through a small tunnel to the breast.

While this technique does not result in any visible scarring on the breasts, it can leave a small scar in the armpit area.


Transumbilical breast augmentation, also known as TUBA, involves inserting the implant through an incision in the belly button. Similar to transaxillary surgery, this technique does not result in visible scarring on the breasts but can leave a small scar on the belly button.

Minimizing the Appearance of Implant Scars

While scarring is a natural part of the healing process, there are steps patients can take to help minimize their appearance. These include:

Following Post-Operative Care

It’s essential to follow the post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon, including keeping the incision clean and dry and wearing a supportive bra.

Quit Smoking

Smoking can hinder the healing process and can result in more noticeable scarring. It’s recommended to quit smoking at least two weeks before surgery and to refrain from smoking during the recovery period.

Use Scar Treatment Products

There are various creams, gels, and oils available that can help improve the appearance of augmentation scars. It’s essential to consult with your surgeon before using these products.

Be Patient

Scars take time to heal and fade. Breast implant scars may take up to a year to fully mature and blend in with the surrounding skin.

Massage the Scars

Massaging the scars can help break up scar tissue and improve their appearance.

Make an Informed Decision About Breast Implants Today

Understanding the different types of breast implant scars is crucial for anyone considering breast augmentation. Whether you choose saline or silicone implants, discussing this with your surgeon beforehand is essential.

Remember to care for the incisions to minimize scarring properly. And if you have any questions, consult a plastic surgeon for personalized recommendations.

Don’t wait! Invest in your confidence and body by making an informed decision about breast implants today!

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