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Plastic surgery іs an invasive process that changes the structures оf the body, and requires time for your body tо heal and adjust tо these alterations. According tо our interview with an expert Ottawa plastic surgery surgeon, procedures such as rhinoplasty and abdominoplasty are among the most challenging surgeries tо recover from due tо their extensive nature and impact оn both facial and body structures.

What surgeries are the hardest tо recover from, both facial and body? Beautifii conducted an interview with an expert plastic surgeon tо discover this. Here іs what he had tо say:


Nose Job

Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a nose job, is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic surgeries. It can help restore facial balance by aligning the nose more harmoniously with other features. Rhinoplasty may also be performed to correct damage due to injuries or birth defects.

Under this procedure, incisions are made to raise the skin incisions so surgeons can gain access to the nasal bones and cartilage, enabling them to make adjustments or changes as necessary. They may reshape or remove tissue as necessary, reduce hump levels or narrow the nose further; and add cartilage grafts. Absorbable sutures will be placed inside your nose while an external nasal splint or plastic cast may also be utilized by surgeons.

Swelling and bruising after surgery may last up to one year, though symptoms should gradually lessen as time progresses. If you’re concerned about your recovery process, be sure to talk with your physician.


Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, or mammoplasty, involves implanting silicone or saline implants into each breast to make them larger. It may also be done as part of reconstructive cancer surgery or gender affirmation surgery procedures.

Patients undergoing implant surgery can anticipate some pain postoperatively; however, it should not be severe and can usually be managed using oral painkillers. Swelling and bruising are likely, though these side effects should subside with time.

Women undergoing surgical procedure should refrain from lifting heavy objects or engaging in strenuous exercise for one month after having had the operation and should wear a supportive bra to aid healing. They should attend follow-up appointments regularly to monitor their healing, with follow up doctors being called if complications such as blood clots or infections arise; should such complications appear immediately contact with your surgeon as additional surgery might be required to address such issues.


Breast Lift

Undergoing this procedure entails having a surgeon sew or reposition the nipples, lift the breasts, stretch or remove excess tissue, to help combat postpartum breasts from sagging and improve their appearance. Commonly combined as part of a mommy makeover package, it is one of the most transformative cosmetic procedures currently available.

As with any surgery, breast lifts may cause initial discomfort; this can be managed with anti-inflammatories and oral pain medications such as narcotics. Some numbness of breast skin or nipples may persist for weeks or longer as incisions heal, but will usually return once they’ve fully healed.

Patients considering this cosmetic procedure should be at a healthy weight, have a stable job with flexible hours to allow time off afterward, and not plan on becoming pregnant or breastfeeding in the near future, which could impact results negatively.


Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgeries require significant recovery time due to their extensive nature and associated body adjustments.

Under this procedure, excess fat, skin, and tissue from breasts is removed to create smaller and more proportional shapes. It can also relieve symptoms caused by overly large breasts such as back/neck pain, bra strap grooving, difficulty finding clothes that fit correctly etc.

Patients undergoing this surgery typically experience mild to moderate discomfort that is managed effectively with both prescription and over-the-counter pain relievers. After their procedure, patients must wear a supportive bra for several weeks afterward and wait to resume any strenuous activity or heavy lifting until instructed by their physician.


Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) can restore your look by tightening muscle tone and decreasing fat build-up around the eyes, providing a refreshed and alert appearance. This process is performed routinely among both men and women alike.

Most patients experience some minor discomfort after eyelid surgery. You should start feeling better within two weeks; any swelling and bruising should have subsided by then. You can speed up recovery by sleeping with your head elevated and applying cold compresses; alternatively you could try taking aspirin, ibuprofen or any medications known to increase bleeding like aspirin or ibuprofen instead.

As with other cosmetic procedures, this surgery may cause complications like infection or scarring; however, they should be minimal if you follow your surgeon’s instructions and care for your incision sites properly.

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