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If you are finding the cold just a little too biting at the moment, you will not be alone. The various tail-end storms, flooding, and generally gloomy weather are leaving many cold, damp, and miserable. A good chunk of the population is aware of just how expensive it is to afford to keep homes warm at the moment, with many who might not even have the option.

Electric heaters can be a decent means of keeping your costs down but keeping yourself toastie, especially if you use individual heaters to keep one room cosy instead of central heating for a whole house.

This piece is going to take a look at some heater options, so you can choose which you think would be the best for you.

Let’s get into it.


Small Fan Heater

Small fan heaters are popular at the moment because they are small, you can pick them up from many shops, and they can help heat an isolated room pretty quickly. They can be expensive to run for long periods, but due to the demand, more eco-friendly versions are making their way onto the shelves, which is just another plus.

The pros to a small fan heater are that you can use them anywhere with an electrical socket, so you are not bound to the room with a radiator. Many also come with a thermostat, which will help you keep your room at a certain temperature.

Cons include being noisy. Many fan heaters can be quite loud which can be unpleasant and distracting. They can also be expensive if you need to run them for long periods.


Panel Heater

Panel heaters are another popular choice, and you can get both portable and mounted styles to pick from.

Both of these options have plenty of pros. With a slimline design, you do not need a lot of space to use a panel heater, and to mount them, you only need an average of 30cm clearance for the top and bottom of a panel to allow the convection, making this a great option for those short on space.

Another pro is that they heat up instantly. There is no waiting around for the heat to kick in while your teeth are chattering. Just turn on the panel heater and it is ready.

A con for a panel heater could be that they are not able to be on for long periods, so this suits a room that only needs to be heated intermittently such as an office, bathroom, or conservatory.


Electric Radiator

An electric radiator might be the right option for you if you need instant warmth and a lot of it. They are extremely efficient, which can help with reducing heating costs, can offer you accurate temperature control, and can even be safer than some alternative gas central heating systems.

However, they can be much more expensive to purchase upfront than traditional heating options and can become dated more quickly too.



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