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Since the connection to smoking and diseases, such as cancer, in the 1960s, Americans have known about the dangers associated with tobacco use. This report has encouraged a gradual decline in the number of people who smoke tobacco. However, there are still many people who don’t understand why they need to quit smoking. These people either do not know or do not care that they are putting themselves at risk of diseases and death every time they smoke. Read on if you or someone you know needs to understand the dangers of tobacco use and the benefits of not smoking.

Tobacco Use and Diseases

Cigarette smoke can cause many diseases. For starters, it can cause damage to the lining of blood vessels and begin the process of atherosclerosis. This can lead to several complications including chest pains, heart attacks, irregular heartbeats, strokes, and sudden death. These cardiovascular issues can occur in both smokers and those exposed to second-hand smoke. Cigarette smoke is also one of the leading causes of lung diseases, such as bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia, and COPD, in the United States. These issues and more, such as lung cancer, can occur in both smokers and those exposed to second-hand smoke. Smoking can also increase your risk for other diseases, such as GERD, gallstones, stomach ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis, and oral diseases.

Aside from leaving you vulnerable to many diseases, smoking can cause several disorders as well. For instance, smoking can decrease bone mass and increase the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Smokers also face more emotional disorders, such as depression, anxiety disorders, bulimia, ADD, alcohol abuse, and schizophrenia. Also, women have to be careful because smoking can cause increased infertility and risk of pregnancy complications. For example, smoking while pregnant can increase your chances of stillbirth, pre-term delivery, low birth weight, and decreased lung function in children. The bottom line is that tobacco products have many proven harmful side effects. If you or someone you know is a smoker, consider going smoke-free to improve your health.

Benefits of Stopping Smoking

Many people use the excuse that the damage has already been done to avoid quitting. However, there are many health benefits of not smoking. For instance, within 20 minutes your blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature will return to normal. Within a day, your risk for a heart attack begins to decrease. By your second day, your sense of smell and taste will return. You will once again be able to enjoy your meals as you should. Within three days, you will be nicotine free. After three weeks, your body and brain will no longer be dependent on nicotine. However, the first three weeks are the hardest. Therefore, many people choose to use nicotine lozenges or other quitting aids until this point. After this, your health will only continue to get better.

There are numerous diseases and disorders connected to tobacco use. Fortunately, the option to quit is there. If you are a smoker and are looking to improve your overall health, try quitting today for a healthier you.

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