INSCMagazine: Get Social!

By Shay Coyne

Spring has sprung, but have you? Are you ready to make that winter “Netflix and Chill” cuddle buddy a full on significant other? Are you spring cleaning your social media and want to start fresh?

Either way, I got you covered.

Depending on where you are in the country, the warm weather is starting to be a daily thing. We are wearing less and showing more. Spring is a fun time to date but what if you are stuck in some rut, haven’t lost all your holiday weight, and still have the winter blues?

Why not…

The worst that can happen is you stay single. Which is no different than where you are right now. Being a 20-30 something (I’ll never tell) woman, it is hard to date these days. I have old fashioned values and some I have upgraded to meet modern standards but some I will never understand.

If you are single and can’t figure out why, don’t feel bad. Many people are and the quality and substance just isn’t there. In a world of online dating and hook-up sites, it can be hard to find that perfect dream man or woman. If you are going to go the online way, which is a great way, since let’s face it – we all live online 24/7.

It also allows you to meet people you wouldn’t run into day to day. If you are serious about it I recommend joining one that costs money. It seems that the people on there are a bit more serious about a long term relationship vs. a free app that they can browse you on.

These paid sites also have more personality matching features vs. swiping on faces and playing “Marry, Kill, Shag”. There are also a lot of great date ideas for spring. Beach days or nights, mini golf, baseball games, dinner outside, etc.

Why not give it a try?

The most important thing to remember, no expectations and no disappointments. Keep an open mind and more importantly an open heart.

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