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The question one can spend in an online purchase for any sex doll is one with no definite answer. It all depends on lots of factors joined together. However, if you know what you want about sex dolls, then your research on this may not take you long enough.

Similar to most products out there, sex doll cost in most cases differ and vary from one shop to the next. Today, there exist several online retail shops dealing in various teen sex dolls of varied types. You will get the high-end designs which sell at higher prices of about $10,000, and as mentioned, this is never fixed to all of the shops as others may be giving it out for only $8,500 same for the midrange and entry-level designs.

As an online buyer, you seriously need first of all to understand what exactly you need in terms of a sex doll. Of cause, all of us will need that high-end design that which offers ultimate please and feel like it is a real human being that you are associating. One who can blink her eyes and make humanly movements that would so much sexually arouse your feelings but does your pocket allow it? If yes, you are lucky, go for it.

sex doll cost

If you have a limited budget, still all is not lost. You can as well get that beautiful and fulfilling sex doll model at a fair cost. In some cases, and of cause based on what you want with a sex doll, you might find those that are much more efficient and better alternatives to the high-end design.

Below is a budget listing according to most online retail shops on sex dolls of various types.

High-end Luxury Sex Dolls

These are the crème de la crème models coming with striking features for a varied sex experience. Looking into most online shops, you will find them with any amount between $2,800 and $15,000. They look more like humans in their structure and allows more customization.

Mid-level Designs

These too are quality designs bearing high-quality features you would so much appreciate. Compared to the high-end models, they come with relatively low customization levels. You can buy one at relatively lower prices of between $1500 and $2800.

Entry Level

These types come for any amount between $900 and $1500. They offer better entry experience of a sex doll thus gives an idea of what exactly you might expect from a high-end model design.

Still, if your budget does not meet these categories, there are other alternatives you can choose. These are less customized sex dolls, which always gives satisfactory sexual pleasures and are available for prices between $10 and $400. Examples are;

  • Blow-up dolls and
  • Torsos

Note that these types might have particular body section missing like the legs or upper body sections from the breast level.

Conclusively, note that the sex doll cost in totality when purchased online will also depend so much with the shipping cost. Overseas orders are more expensive. Local shipping might be free according to some online shops.

Otherwise, carrying out your research on the best sex doll model you want is vital. Only that way you would enjoy the manufactures specified features.


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