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 If there’s one thing that can utterly disrupt the comfort of your home – it’s the sight, hearing, (and smell) of nasty little crawling creatures! Nobody across entire Australia wants to have their home plagued by unwanted crawlers, let alone to have them around throughout the year. Unfortunately, certain little pests are a common household thing, and only identification and precise control can truly eliminate them for good. You can effectively get rid of all of these unwanted visitors by applying proper identification and other sensible but productive measures. Here is a thorough plan on how to do that. 


Seemingly unharmful, friendly-looking creatures, ants can make a lot of fuss in the house if not treated wisely. In Australia alone, there are around 1 275 different ant species, and there’s no denying that they’ll make your home their safe heaven. To identify ants is fairly simple: you cold spot an ant nest that resembles a small pile of soil or dirt around walls or corners, see live ants’ trail when they go around the house, or spot a colony. You can identify ants almost anywhere, in the kitchen and even in the bathroom, but they are mainly aimed to get to the food source.


Rest assured that termites are experts at hiding around the house, and sometimes you’re able to spot them when it’s too late. If you want to successfully identify termites the smartest option would be to hire professional pest control Sydney has to offer and let them inspect the roof void, subfloors, interior, and exterior and take care of them immediately. As they are hard to spot, you still can notice their presence by seeing chewed wood, discarded broken wings, frass or termite droppings, termite nymphs or larvae, and adult termites around the house. Once you discover them, they should be removed asap in order not to cause further damage.


Cockroaches absolutely love to hide in warm, dark, and moist places, but very often they would also choose a cooler climate. With this in mind, they can be found almost anywhere – bags, cardboard boxes, around any type of junk in the attic, basement, etc. The worst thing about cockroaches (besides their horrific outlook) is that they can carry numerous diseases, so they are definitely not welcoming bugs. Luckily they are easy to spot as they are relatively “large”, about 2-5 inches in length with a flat body and brownish color, so once you spot them in your home you could fairly easily treat them.


Unlike cockroaches, determining whether you have bedbugs is pretty hard to do. These nasty little culprits can be a real burden, and they can cause a lot of health-related issues in the long run, so you should identify them fast and start tackling them. We cannot actually see bedbugs with our own eyes, however, you can pick up some clear signs and spot their presence. First, you would have ultra itchy skin in the morning, maybe even a rash, spots, and small bloodstains may appear on your bedding, and you may even spot their small eggs which is a sign the bugs are casting their skin. Lastly, don’t be fooled by their name, as bedbugs can appear almost anywhere around the house. 


There are a lot of “common” house spiders across Australia such as the Huntsman, the Black House, the Redback spider, and many more. As many spider species don’t look alike that much, they all have very similar characteristics: eight long legs and a small central body. You don’t have to (or you shouldn’t) look closely at a spider to see its color and size to identify whether it’s dangerous or not, in contrast, you should always be careful even if you live in Sydney. The poisonous Sydney Funnel Web spider is also a common household bug, so you should eliminate them safely and carefully. how long do spiders live mostly make their webs in the corners or between any type of elevated surfaces, so their home is easy to spot. However, they can roam around the whole house, so make sure you clean and vacuum often. 


Believe it or not, but centipedes are good and helpful little crawlers. In contrast to other pests, they won’t destroy your household or contaminate your food, but rather they would help you eliminate other bugs like moths or termites as they love to feed on them. They have fifteen legs and they are really fast, so catching them is impossible. However, you can identify them in dark areas around the house or commonly in the pantry. If you don’t wish to have them around your home, you can spray an insecticide around walls’ baseboards, doors, windows, and other openings. 

Dust mites 

If you have a pet, most likely you would have dust mites too. Dust mist is annoying microscopic bugs that feed on our shed skin and pet dander. They live, feed, and excrete in the sofas, pillows, beds, and any other type of soft furnishings. Invisible to the eye, these white spider-like insects can cause a lot of allergic reactions. If you notice you have an itchy and runny nose, itchy and watery mouth and throat if you are coughing often and experience facial pain, you might have an allergy to these pests. Regular deep clean, vacuum and proper hygiene can put them in order.

If you cannot indentify household bugs or diagnose the nasty effect of these common critters, it’s perfectly normal to seek help from pest control experts. Identifying and eliminating bugs in your home is a way to having a clean, safe, and healthy ambient for all family members.

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