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Common causes of foot pain include plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, nerve pain, ankle sprains, and fallen arches. In addition, some foot conditions result from severe damage from an accident or deformity from a genetic condition. In other cases, people take poor care of their feet by wearing shoes that do not suit them well, wearing shoes without socks, or not wearing supportive insoles.

Many conditions that cause foot pain can be managed with over-the-counter analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. However, the most important thing for people suffering from foot pain is getting their condition diagnosed by one of the Brisbane podiatry clinics that will prescribe the proper course of treatment. Some treatments that podiatrists, such as Podiatrist Strathfield, may prescribe include stretches and exercises to improve flexibility and strength, orthotics, pain relief medication, ice therapy, and surgery in severe cases.

There are also several things people can do at home to help relieve foot pain. Here are some of the most helpful ideas:

1) Get a foot massage

Massaging the foot can help to relieve tension and pain. Use a tennis ball, golf ball, or even a rolling pin to massage the bottom of your feet. This will help loosen up tight muscles and improve circulation. In addition, you can massage your own feet to help relieve common types of foot pain. If you have sensitive feet, make sure to massage your feet using both gentle and firm pressure to target the muscles in your feet effectively.

2) Try a warm compress.

A warm compress is an easy way for people suffering from many common foot conditions to provide temporary relief. Using a towel soaked in hot water and wrung out, apply pressure to the bottom of your foot. This will warm up the tissues and improve circulation. It’s also a good idea to put on a pair of socks before doing this, so you don’t get burned by the hot towel.

3) Take an OTC pain reliever

Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can help people suffering from arthritis, tendonitis, or nerve damage to relieve their foot pain. However, people with diabetes should be careful when taking these medications because they may cause adverse reactions. If you have diabetes and need painkillers, talk with your doctor first.

4) Stretch your feet daily

Doing regular stretches can help to improve flexibility and relieve pain in your feet. Stand facing a wall, two or three feet away from it. Place one leg in front of the other, bend both knees slightly until you feel the stretch in your back calf muscles, hold for 10 seconds, then relax briefly. Repeat with the other leg.

5) If you have fallen arches, ice your feet

Falling arches can cause pain in the ball of the foot that becomes worse as weight is put on it during walking. The best way to relieve this pain is to ice the bottom of your feet before taking a walk or standing for any length of time. Keep ice packs in the freezer and apply them for 10-15 minutes at a time.

6) Wear supportive shoes

Make sure to wear supportive shoes with good arch support when you’re on your feet all day. If your shoes don’t have good arch support, try using an insert or orthotic. When choosing shoes, be sure to buy a size that’s a little bit bigger than your regular size, so there’s room for your feet to move around.

7) Wear socks with your shoes

When you wear shoes without socks, they can rub against the skin on your feet and cause blisters. Wearing socks will help to prevent this from happening. If you’re prone to getting blisters, try wearing seamless socks that won’t rub against your skin.

8) Keep your feet clean and dry

Keeping your feet clean can be an effective way to reduce foot pain, especially foot odor. If you have an athlete’s foot or another type of fungus that causes your feet to itch and burn, be sure to keep it under control by maintaining good hygiene. Dry your feet thoroughly after each shower. It’s a good idea to spray them with antifungal spray after drying and change your socks daily.

9) Try a foot bath

A foot bath can be an effective way to soothe tired, aching feet. Add some Epsom salts to a basin of warm water and soak your feet for 10-15 minutes. The magnesium in the Epsom salts will help to relax your feet and reduce inflammation. If you have dry skin, add a tablespoon of petroleum jelly to the water and mix it in before adding the salts so your feet will be moisturized.

10) Limit the amount of time you spend standing or walking

If you’re suffering from foot pain caused by plantar fasciitis, wearing supportive shoes will provide relief from the pain temporarily. However, to get long-term relief, you should also try to cut back on the amount of time you spend walking and standing. Do this by cutting down your daily walking times or trading some of that standing time for sitting time.

When to visit a podiatrist

If you’re experiencing severe pain in your feet, that’s not going away with any of the home remedies listed above, and it’s a good idea to visit a podiatrist. A podiatrist can help diagnose the cause of your foot pain and may prescribe medication or special inserts for your shoes to provide relief. They may also recommend exercises and stretches that can help improve flexibility in your feet.

Bottom Line:

When you’re dealing with foot pain, taking some time for self-care is an excellent way to ease the pain and reduce inflammation. If your foot pain is caused by an underlying condition such as plantar fasciitis or arthritis, try using some of the home remedies above to provide short-term relief.  At the same time, you work on getting treatment from a  Naples FL plantar fasciitis clinic or a podiatrist.

There are many causes of foot pain, including arthritis, plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, and high arches or fallen arches. Each condition requires a different treatment plan, although You may use many of the same self-care techniques to speed up recovery.


I hope you found this article helpful and seek medical attention if the pain is too much to bear. Good luck!



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