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Points Of Discussion:

  • Chronic Pain: Definition, Common Examples, And Remedies For Symptoms
  • The Five Pillars Of Chronic Illness
  • 1.Low Immunity
  • 2. Chronic Inflammation
  • 3. Stress Hormones
  • 4. Low SHBG or Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)
  • 5. Insulin Resistance
  • Common Chronic Pains: Chronic Migraine, CRPS, Chronic Neck
  • Natural Remedies For Chronic Pain
  • Essential oils
  • Epsom Salts
  • Eating Spicy Food or Broth Bone

Chronic Pain: Definition, Common Examples, And Remedies For Symptoms

Chronic Pain is something that a lot of people suffers every day. Almost 20% of US adults suffer from at least one type of chronic pain and 8% of these cases have a high impact on their daily lives. These pains are continuous, with varying degrees of pain each time it appears. What makes it more torturous is the fact that will always come back after disappearing for a period of time.

There are times when the pain makes sleeping a very hard task for some chronic pain patients. The patient is likely to have done anything under his or her power to ease the pain. Some medical professionals suggest that instead of giving your loved ones medicine advice, it is better to recommend an RSD Treatment Center, where better diagnosis and treatment would be administered in order to ease the never-ending pain.

The Five Pillars Of Chronic Illness

Most of the illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune problems. chronic pain and fatigue, hypertension, and diabetes are preventable and not hereditary. Lifestyle option is very important in order to avoid a lot of diseases. When it comes to chronic illnesses, there are five requirements to manifest a symptom.

1.Low Immunity

2. Chronic Inflammation

3. Stress Hormones

4. Low SHBG or Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)

5. Insulin Resistance

Low immunity will mean that a person is easily exposed to diseases and will have a harder time healing. When someone caught a cold easily but has a hard time getting better, the person can have low immunity. Chronic Inflammation appears when the body continuously fights against infections, injuries, and toxins which leaves it in a constant state of alert which can have a negative impact on organs and tissues.

Stress Hormones are also known to help in developing chronic illnesses. Low SHBG or sex hormone binding globulin happens when the body has more unbound sex hormones. Insulin Resistance happens when the body ignores insulin signals that usually affects the distribution of glucose.

Common Chronic Pains: Chronic Migraine, CRPS, Chronic Neck

Some of the most common chronic pains are migraines, CRPS/RSD, and Chronic Neck pains. Chronic Migraines patients are usually dealing with recurring migraines every day and are commonly treated with a migraine medication pill. However, this is not a healthy way to treat migraines because of the serious side effects of taking painkillers every day. Sometimes, changing into a more favorable medication is the only answer, but medication detox treatment is needed first in order to get rid of old medication traces.

CRPS or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (once called the Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) are pains that often affects an arm or a leg and is usually from injuries. Although there are numerous medications for CRPS patients, one of the most effective ways to treat CRPS is via physical therapy in which damaged nerves are rehabilitated. In order to make a proper diagnosis and receive proper treatment, those who are suffering from CRPS are recommended to check an RSD Treatment Center. It is better to get diagnosed early in order to prevent more damages to happen.

Chronic pain in the neck has a lot of possible causes and usually lasts more than three months. Because of this, head motion becomes restricted. The most common causes are when something happened to the Facet joint or to the Annulus, but there are also existing causes which can be diagnosed using X-ray test, CT and MRI scans.

Natural Remedies For Chronic Pain

1. Essential Oils

Rubbing oils is one of the most popular natural remedies for pain. Examples of effective rubbing oils are evening primrose oil, which is rich with gamma-linolenic acid. Arnica oil is also effective for bruises.

2. Epsom Salt

Epsom Salt is rich with magnesium and can reduce pain for muscle soreness as well as bone and joint pain. The magnesium in the salt also reduces inflammations.

3. Eating Spicy Food or Broth Bone

Eating spicy food is painful in the tongue, but it helps the body release natural pain relievers. Capsaicin, which is found in cayenne, is said to help in muscle soreness and pain. Broth bones or broth from bones, skin, and ligaments are provided collagen, proline, glutamine, and glycine that helps in absorbing magnesium and other important supplements that can reduce inflammation and pain.

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