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As you are browsing for new airsoft clothing, you may be overwhelmed by the amount of choice you have at your disposal. Making the right decision and purchasing clothing that is useful takes time. Giving yourself enough to research what is available, and what is right for you is crucial. Here are a few things you may wish to take into consideration:

Safety Clothing

All airsoft clothing you purchase, no matter how insignificant you may think it is, must be safe for use. Clothing cannot just look good; it has to give you protection too. If airsoft clothing does not meet safety requirements or suitable protection, you will expose yourself to unnecessary risks. You may also find that you are restricted to where and when you play (if clothing fails to meet safety standards and requirements).

Colors and Camouflage

After ensuring that all of the airsoft clothing you purchase is safe and fit for purpose, you then have to think about colors and camouflage. Do you want all of your clothing to be in khaki colors, or are you looking for clothing in desert (sand-based) tones? If you are playing by yourself against other singular opponents, you may be less restricted to colors (if you are playing in a team). It is important that all colors are subtle so that you do not give away your location or presence (when you are on the battlefield).

Items of Clothing You Need

To ensure you are purchasing everything you need, it is important to come up with a list. This way, you can get everything you need (and avoid spending on anything you don’t). Your list will want to include a helmet, trousers/pants, tactical tops, jackets, a safety vest, safety boots, glasses, gloves, and thick socks. As you invest more time and energy into playing airsoft, you may find that this list naturally grows as it starts including additional pieces of equipment. To get started on the best foot, it is important to get the essentials – and then build your wardrobe as you build your knowledge and experience.

Elbow and Knee Pads

There will be occasions when you will be hiding out or crawling across the ground when playing airsoft. You must ensure you protect your knees and elbows at all costs. Invest in good quality (highly durable) elbow and knee pads, and look at what they are made from. You may choose to wear these under your clothes or on top. You can purchase clothing with built-in protection, but this is not always sufficient.

Clothing That is Weather or Season Appropriate

No matter when participating in a game of airsoft, you must ensure you are wearing weather-appropriate clothing. This does not mean wearing shorts in summer, but it means wearing glasses or a cap in summer to shield your eyes. You must be sensible with the clothing you wear all year round. Even as temperatures soar in the summer, you have to be sure you are fully protected and safe.



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