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Senior leaders play a critical role in setting the tone for communication within an organisation. If they are not sending the right message, it can be difficult for employees to create a positive company culture.

Fortunately, with the human resources information software available today, senior leaders have access to a wealth of data that can help them improve communication and company culture.

For example, HRIS software can collect employee feedback, which can give leaders a better understanding of what employees are thinking and feeling. Additionally, they can create communication plans that address specific issues within the organisation, too.

When senior leaders take the time to improve communication, it can positively impact company culture. Employees feel more valued and appreciated when they are kept in the loop, leading to increased morale and productivity.

The Importance of Communication in Company Culture

Company culture is the set of shared values, beliefs, and norms that define how employees behave within an organisation. It includes everything from how you dress and speak to how you interact with customers and co-workers. Company culture is essential because it can help to improve employee morale, increase productivity, and attract new talent.

Poor communication can lead to several problems within an organisation, including a lack of trust, poor teamwork, and low morale. When senior leaders communicate effectively, it sets the tone for the entire organisation and can help to improve company culture.

How Senior Leaders Can Improve Communication

In a 2022 report about the current state of company culture, 19.1% of respondents interviewed believed improved communications from senior leaders in their organisation would improve their company’s culture.

32.8% of the employees thought that the senior leaders in their organisation are influential in affecting their company’s culture. You can check the full details of the report here.

Senior leaders have a lot of influence when it comes to company culture. If they aren’t sending the right message, it can be difficult for employees to create a positive company culture.

Senior leaders need to better communicate the company’s culture to its employees. There are a few critical ways that senior leaders can improve communication within their organisation, some of which include:

Encourage two-way communication: Employees should feel comfortable communicating with their managers and senior leaders. This can be done by holding regular meetings, sending out surveys, or providing an anonymous feedback system.

Be clear and concise: When communicating about the company culture or changes to employees, it is essential to be clear and concise. Employees should understand the message that they are trying to send.

Be consistent: Inconsistent communication can lead to confusion and frustration among employees. Senior leaders need to be consistent in their messaging to avoid any misunderstandings.

Be transparent: Be honest and open with your employees about the company’s state. If issues need to be addressed, let them know what is happening and what is being done to resolve the issue.

Leading by example: As a senior leader, you need to set the tone for the organisation. If you want employees to be respectful and professional, you need to act that way yourself. If employees see that their managers are not following the company culture, it will be difficult for them to take it seriously.

Encourage feedback: Ask for feedback from employees about how they think the company culture could be improved. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one conversations.


In conclusion, communication is key to success in improving company culture. By ensuring that your senior leaders effectively communicate with employees, you can lay the foundation for a positive and productive work environment.

Senior leaders play a critical role in setting the tone for communication within an organisation. If you want to improve company culture, start by improving communication among senior leaders. With the proper steps and strategies in place, your company culture can reach new heights – and everyone will benefit from it.

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