mental instability
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A healthy state of mind isn’t just the absence of mental illness, but the ability to live a good and enjoyable life. Every person is different and their capability to deal with the stress in life also differs. Therefore, some people are more prone to mental illnesses than the others.Mental disorders include a wide range of mental illness that affect the way you think, your behaviour and mood. Anxiety, depression, addictive behaviour, eating disorder and schizophrenia are example of mental instability.

With that said, it is important to mention that several people have concerns related to their mental health at some point in their lives, but that does not necessarily mean that they have mental health disorders. However, a mental health concern can become a disorder if the signs and symptoms of mental instability are ignored and allowed to grow to bigger proportions. If your mental health concerns are causing stress, making you miserable and hampering your ability to function properly in your daily life then you should seek help from a mental health expert.Most mental conditions do not improve on their own and may worsen if left untreated.

There are many causes for mental health instability. Several genetic and environmental factors may be responsible for causing mental illness.Certain genes are more like to put you at risk for mental health disorders. If you have a family or a close blood relative suffering from mental health disorders then you have a higher chance of developing it too. Research has also proven a positive relation between exposures in the womb to environmental stressors, drugs, alcohol, toxins and inflammatory conditions.

Apart from the above-mentioned factors, brain chemistry is another determinant of mental health in NJ and other parts of the world. Neurotransmitters are naturally occurring chemicals in our body that are responsible for transmitting nerve signals from the brain to the other parts of the body. Any impairment in the functioning of these chemicals will affect neural networks and nerve receptors that can lead to emotional disorders and mental instability.

Stressful situations that we face in life can also be a factor that is responsible for precipitating mental health issues. Some people deal with the problems that life throws at them in a better way than others. Also, the intensity of these problems determine the effect that they will have on your wellbeing. Difficult situations in life such as the death of a loved one, a divorce or long term financial woes can cause a lot of stress on our minds leading to mental health issues.

Certain experiences in life which are traumatic to say the least can have a lasting impact on our minds and the way we think. Disturbing events such as history of childhood abuse, military combat and assault along with unhealthy relationships are some of the prime causes of people falling into depression or developing symptoms of anxiety. Chronic medical conditions such as diabetes along with their financial stress can also predispose people to mental health issues. Damage to the brain as a result of injury, excessive use of alcohol and drugs that cause withdrawal symptoms and a history of previous mental illness are risk factors that are associated with mental instability.

Mental illness is very common and can occur at any age. It is important to realize the symptoms early on and get professional help for the same before the condition worsens. Don’t ignore the advice of your doctor and take care of your physical and well as mental well-being to get better as soon as possible.

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