How to treat worms in dogs
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If you have dogs, you must have to deal with worms at some point. These worms are not only gross, but they are harmful to your dogs, so it’s important to get rid of dog wormer as quickly as you know. This only concerned thing is that you need to deworm your dog’s worm without conventional drugs as they are very harsh having lots of nasty side effects. 

Fortunately, there are the safest and most effective treatments to cure dog worms with simple everyday food. And you might have some of those foods at your home, but you need to know what type of worms you are going to deal!

This guide has advice from expert vet doctors and nurses that can help to choose the best action to deal with your dog worm. If you are wondering about how to treat worms in dogs, read below carefully. 

Symptoms of worms in dogs

  • Sickness
  • Diarrhea
  • Potbelly
  • Weight loss
  • Weakness
  • Lack of energy
  • Cough
  • Breathe with difficulty

 Common causes

  • Consuming larvae from milk
  • Eating dead affected animals meat
  • Swallowing fleas
  • Picking up larvae from feces 

Common Dog Worms

These are some of the most common types of worm that any dog can get easily.

  • Roundworms

Roundworms live in the small intestine, looks like spaghetti and you can see them easily in dog’s poop. The dog with roundworms looks like pot-bellied and exhausted. You should take your dog for a medical checkup if he is suffering from diarrhea, vomiting, or weight loss. Your affected dog might eat the infected animal or got the eggs from the surroundings. 

  • Tapeworms

Tapeworms are 6 inches in length, and most are flat; generally, you can see the broken segments look like rice grains in the affected dog’s poop. Your dog might get tapeworms by licking fleas from their own body or eating the meat of animals that might have tapeworms. 

If you suspect tapeworms in your pet, you need to go for fecal analysis to get confirmed as you can see them with the naked eye.

  • Hookworms

Hookworms are 1/8 inch long attached to the intestine’s lining; they suck blood, and your dog can be anemic. They are very dangerous for small puppies. Your dog can get hookworm from the soil through their skin. 

Your dog may vomit and feel anemia and pale gums. 

  • Whipworms

These are pointed at one end seems more like a whip and 2 inches in length. One can’t see them with a naked eye unless you take them to pet specialist. Symptoms of whipworms affected dog is diarrhea, vomiting, and weakness. The dog may get these worms by eating the eggs from the soil that contain some of the affected dog’s feces. 

Some medical remedies to treat dog worms:

Home remedies are only helpful in treating worms against intestinal parasites. So you need a medical prescription to treat your dog. Luckily we have lots of medications that can help in treating dog’s worms. 

  1. Probiotics are health supplements that are used to treat intestine and digestive worms. Acidophilus is a common and very effective probiotic in treating worms. For round and hookworms, Pyrantel Pamoate is known as the safest drug for dogs and puppies. 
  2. Fenbendazole is one of the strongest drugs that should be prescribed to elder dogs. And this is also used for treating Whipworms, and it lasts for five, and you need to repeat the medication after the break of 3 weeks. 
  3. Praziquantel and Epsiprantel drugs are used to cure Tapeworms. These are not available on the general pet supply store; you need to get it from a vet. 

Some Fermented foods to treat dog worms:

You, as the owner of a dog, can build a healthy digestive system of your dog by fermenting foods. These fermented foods can help you to eliminate worms by boosting the dog’s immune system as it is based on 80% in the gut. 

  • Fermented Vegetables

One of the safest ways is to use fermented vegetables to treat dog worms, you can make your fermented veggies, or you can buy kimchi and sauerkraut. The fibers in vegetables help move the worms out of the dog’s body. You can use these vegetables with confidence as they are safe and easy to get. 

  • Pumpkin Seed

You can grind pumpkin seeds and give quarter teaspoon to your dog, and this is again the best and effective way to treat dog’s worm. 

  • Fruits

You can give pineapple, papaya, pomegranate to your dog, as these fruits are rich in enzymes that can help combat worms. 

Vegetables and fruits must be 20% of your dog’s diet, and if the dog is not used to eating veggies and fruits, you should start gradually giving them fruits and veggies to avoid stomach upset. 

How to Diagnose Dog Worms 

Tapeworms can be examined in a dog’s stool, whereas other intestinal worms are not able to examine without microscopic examination. Your vet might ask you to bring a stool sample if any of the above-discussed symptoms your dog shows. But it’s wise to take a sample with you when you take your dog for an annual visit to the veterinarian, even when there is no sign. 

Dog worms can generally be detected by blood or feces test; however, in some cases, ultrasound or radiography is needed. Some of the vets say that in the early stage, some dogs don’t show symptoms, but if the treatment starts at the earliest, the success rate will be achieved in no time. That’s why it recommended regularly visiting for worm testing.

How to prevent Dog Worms

Some of the measures that can reduce the risk of dog worms; 

  • Treatments should be given to puppies that are three weeks old
  • There should be an examination of fecal 2-4 times per annum; it depends on the lifestyle of dogs if they are living at home or spending time at hunting
  • Do clean up the feces at least three times per week
  • Dispose of feces immediately with gloves in public and dog parks


In short, it is advised by all vets; that the owner show takes their dogs for a regular checkup, control fleas and take care of their dog’s hygiene; as such practices are the best to take care of your dog.

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