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Tea guarantees some potential health benefits. However, it contains added sugar and caffeine, which if taken in excess amount may not be ideal for kids. So, should you give your kids tea? In this article, you’ll find more about whether or not tea is safe for your kids, the potential benefits of camomile tea, as well as the safe types of tea to give your kids.

Is It Really Safe for Kids to take Tea?

In an ideal world, tea is not the best drink for kids because of its natural caffeine content. According to the experts in the industry, consuming drinks with a high concentration of sweetened caffeine can cause cavities in kids. In addition, caffeine is diuretic and thus makes your children pee.

The ideal time for Kids to begin Consuming Tea

There are no specific researches that stipulate the ideal time that your kids may start to consume tea. Provided that you control that they drink tea moderately, and control the caffeine intake, the kids may not face severe risks. Nevertheless, it would be wise to know the maximum amount of caffeine that the kids need to take.

Benefits of Loose Tea for the Little Ones

  • An occasional cup of loose leaf tea may offer some benefits to the children.
  • It may calm tummy ache and body aches.
  • It may lower the temperatures if your kid has a fever.
  • It keeps the kids hydrated.
  • It is essential in treating cold and cough.

Note, you need to buy tea from the best tea bag online shop and prepare it in the right manner to enjoy the benefits mentioned above.

What are the Safest Types of Tea for Your Child?

Regardless of the age of your kids, they can take the teas described below. Camomile tea, for instance, is perfect to use with fusing and crying infants. However, you need to avoid giving the infant a lot of tea.

Camomile Tea

Camomile enhances digestion and is ideal to consume before meals to boost the digestion process. If your kid has a stomach upset due to drinking a lot of sweet, this type of tea is perfect for easing the discomfort. Besides, camomile acts as an anti-inflammatory and relaxes the nervous system, which makes the tea an excellent choice for a stressed or teething kid.

When it comes to teething, you can freeze the tea into sizeable ice cubes and put it in a food feeder to allow your kid to suck and chew. On the other hand, kids need to take a cup of warm camomile before going to bed if they are anxious. It relaxes the kids and prepares them for sleep. If a kid has bedwetting problems, it would be advisable to allow them to have a drink of this tea soon after dinner.

Whenever you introduce tea to your child, it is always essential to check carefully for any adverse reaction. The reactions may include headache rashes, as well as other symptoms that you didn’t encounter before the introduction of tea. Whenever you come across any of the mentioned reactions, you need to discontinue the tea intake immediately.

It is always essential to look for the best tea bag offers online and make sure you are shopping from a reliable and authorized tea bags online stores. With this, you’ll guarantee that you are buying safe items for your child.



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