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We live in an age that allows you to explore your fashion interests without forcing you to leave the comfort of your home or desk to seek a stylist’s opinion. You can always opt to check out the runway shows to check out new designs that can give you ideas of what to cultivate in your own style, and fashion bloggers can help you along the way.

With that said, it can become a confusing process when you are unsure of where to begin. This has other problematic results, because shopping for new clothes becomes a hassle, since you do not know what you are looking for or what is most suitable for your style and will enjoy wearing – even on a great site like Lily Lulu. This makes it useful to know your own style, which you can find through using these tips we will outline below.

Get some inspirations for your look

You must have some people to look up to when it comes to style, and you can use them to begin building your ideal wardrobe. You can also incorporate some research into new styles through platforms such as Instagram, Google, and Pinterest boards. Using different inspiration sources can be a great method to find out the things you like and dislike.

Clean up your wardrobe

Before you go to shop for new clothes, take a close look at your closet and sift out the things you own. If there are items you have not worn in more than half a year, then toss them out, sell them, or donate them to allow you the space to start anew. After this, you can start to refine and build your closet with your preferred style that aligns closely to your life, preferences and career.

Shop for clothes in a smarter way

Many people, especially in their younger years, tend to make the mistake of getting clothes that allow them to fit in with the rest of their friends or what is ‘socially acceptable’. This leads to plenty of clothes in your closet that you secretly do not like, or you only wear once in a while because you do not feel comfortable in them. You might also assume that better quality clothes are always more expensive.

However, both of these assumptions are false. You can shop for clothes you like, and they do not need to always fit a rigid ‘socially acceptable’ recommendation. In addition, you need to start allowing your creativity to shine when it comes to experimenting with your looks, and only splurge your money on certain elements (like a handbag or pair of shoes). For the rest of your wardrobe, find affordable items of good quality, which will last for a number of years, fit in with your style goals, and hold up to wear and tear.

Consider your goals and lifestyle

When you are crafting your wardrobe, it needs to be unique to your lifestyle – not just representing your creativity. You need to think about how you want to present yourself to the world, which will take into account your lifestyle, field of work, personality, the place you live in, and your long term goals.

For instance, if you want to make it in a specific industry, it will help to invest in some classic pieces when you go for interviews, while jeans will work in a more casual work setup.

Be confident

You might initially think that people can see your size tag just by glancing at the clothes you are wearing, but the reality is – no one cares. Therefore, do not just limit your focus to getting the smallest size tops, dresses, and pants, even if the temptation is strong to get the smallest size so that you look like you are ‘attractive’. Truthfully, this same line of thinking is prevalent when letting go of clothes you do not even see yourself wearing, because you ‘might get in better shape and then they will fit’.

However, this mindset is very unhelpful when you are building your wardrobe – a far better measurement is how comfortable you feel when wearing those clothes. When you feel at your best, it will be easier to project confidence to others – and they will definitely notice.

Overall, it is important to be as honest as possible with yourself when you are building your wardrobe style, instead of focusing on the designer labels or size of the clothes. Feel free to experiment with accessories as well, and be confident when celebrating your unique outlook on life through your clothes.



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