bonding with your family members
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Family is an important part of our lives. They are our support and strength, the people who stand by us when we need it the most. Family could mean blood relations or it also could mean a group of people who really care for your well-being. It is important for you to create bonding with your family members so that you are emotionally connected. Emotional connection is what keeps humans feeling safe and happy. Check for more ideas you can do with your family.

Society thrives on strong families and it provides the necessary structure to any society. It forms units or groups that will eventually form a part of society. The very definition of family means parents and children living together in a household. The household is a unit that functions for the well-being of each other and self. In some cultures, families may include cousins, uncles and aunts too. It is important to have a strong bond with family as it’s essential for a human being’s well-being.

Here are 5 tips to have a strong bond with family-

Sharing – Sharing is important in forming any kind of bond. It means that you have something and are ready to give some of it to another without expecting anything back. It has a lot of value and hence even parents teach their children to share things like toys and food. However, sharing isn’t limited to things. It also includes sharing stories, experiences, conversations and secrets. Sharing your deepest fears can lead to you feeling better. Plus, you have shared with family so there is some level of trust and confidence. Sharing brings an added level of trust and understanding thus increasing bonding. Encourage family members to share feelings and thoughts.

Appreciation – Human beings love appreciation. Be it a simple thank you, a sweet note or a gift. Appreciation can make people feel valued and, in a family, this is important. Only when you feel valued will you want to be a part of the family. Support family members, as humans need it in various forms – emotional usually. A thank you to the mother for making meals or a thank you to dad for keeping the garden, everything matters. Even the children must be appreciated if they have done something good and right. This is a form of love and at the end it is love which keeps people closer together.

Consideration – Cultivate consideration for each other. This can be done by volunteering time as a family with charitable or community organisations. Have consideration for each other. Respect each other’s thoughts, actions and feelings. Different people will have different thoughts and you must be able to respect those to live in peace together. This is important for bonding with your family members.

Activities – Take part in activities together. Eat meals, go on picnics or plan movie nights as a family. You must have noticed that companies often encourage team building activities for employees. This happens for a reason as it can bring people closer and create stronger bonds. The same applies to families too. Go on a trip together, spend a day cleaning or lazing around, go out to dinner or head to a theme park. Small games together at appropriate time periods are also good. But if you are doing activities, then also remember to plan some downtime. Chill in each other’s presence as even the silence can be comforting.

Experience – Create experiences together. Be it a spa day for all of you, a crazy dance off or attending a concert. New experiences bring people closer and can make your bond with your family strong. Create opportunities to connect with each other every chance you get. Certain experiences create memories that children will look back on and remember fondly.


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