INSCMagazine: Get Social!

Editor’s not: LLCC does not represent the views of the Inscriber Mag. This show is the sole opinion of Liberty Lad.

In today’s episode, Liberty Lad takes down the chaos-powered riots that happened in Milwaukee. It is important to remember that no republic is permanent: Rome fell because of incapable tyrants, both Athens and Sparta were not immune to the military prowess of Macedonia. If our nation does not embrace our founding principles, secure our borders, return power to the people and firmly stand for liberty; the United States of America will cease to exist. Liberty Lad also comments on Donald Trump’s immigration speech, another excellent speech given by our party’s nominee.

What makes America great? That question is often asked and the answer usually varies. It can be summed up into four simple bullet points:

  • Judeo-Christian Values: The Judeo-Christian values of God-given, unalienable rights built America. The values of empathy and love, tolerance, and fidelity to our Creator make us great.
  • Free market capitalism: The free market gives everybody the ability to succeed. The free market is based on liberty, opportunity, and the pursuit of happiness. It’s the most nondiscriminatory economic model on Earth.
  • Law and order: A republic without law and order is no republic. Only with a population that respects law enforcement, follows the rule of the land, and does not interfere with each others’ liberty, can a nation succeed.
  • Constitutional Government: The Constitution is vital to the survival to the American republic because its the only thing separating us from anarchy through mobocracy and tyranny. Without the Constitution, our nation’s foundation collapses.

The BLM protesters and rioters in Milwaukee hate these values. Not only are many of them blatant anti-Semites, their utter disregard for capitalism, law and order, and the civil society is destructive to communities all across America.

Donald Trump’s common-sense immigration speech is excellent. Those policies will be quite effective in combating to radical Islamic terrorism. Whether or not he can successfully implement these policies without total executive overreach is a different question, though, as Congress is on the brink of turning deep blue.

Finally, a valid question: with Milwaukee on fire and Louisiana under water, where is Barack Obama?